No this is not a scam, I am a member of CMOMs here in NC, one of them emailed this morning about a website called
It is sort of like a internet phonebook but contains all your information such as: credit scores, where you live, home and cell telephone numbers, how much your house costs, how many children you have, ect.
I'm putting this info here bc I pulled my DH and I names and info off of this site. To get off click on the address link and then the link down at the bottom that says privacy. It had everything about us and was VERY creepy that anyone can get that sort of information. I don't know how or why they can post this stuff without your permission but we didn't know anything about it until today. If you don't care about the info then leave it up, just thought I would pass on the word.
Re: Just an FYI and VERY Pissed Off!!!!!!!!!!
Ditto this. Apparently I am in my early 50's and live in a $1M house with a swimming pool. And DH is Asian (which he is not). Not sure where they get any of that info.
Oh yeah, and my married name doesn't even come up, just my maiden name (and old address!)