
Today is going to be a good day

I'm off so that in itself means the heavens are singing. I'm going to my sister's dr. appt. today so I get to see Mr. Evan on the u/s monitor ... hopefully he decides to come out soon. And I'm breaking down and satisfying the ridiculous craving I have for Mexican. Yum. Party!!!

Re: Today is going to be a good day

  • yummmm

    where's Miss A?

  • I'm having a good day too!


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  • The little brat is asleep. She apparently thinks she's a college kid and we've been having sleep battles again. Ugh.

  • sleep battles as in she goes to bed late?

    B won't fall asleep until I lose my sh*t. Its like she needs it to fall asleep or something. That kid is a total gangster, she can go all night, no nap, nothing. My poor sister was passing out before her when she was over.

  • Late would be one word for it. By the time I actually leave work, get there to pick her up & get her to cooperate to leave and get home it's already after 10. Then I have to give her a bath most nights and she fights going to sleep. I mean, everything you can think of under the sun she will drum up to fight it -- hungry, thirsty, needs to pee, etc. I sometimes am too tired to battle her and put her in bed beside me & let her watch cartoons. Last night she was giggling to 'Princess and the Frog' at l:30. I know it's a nest sin and yada, yada but I'm by myself and beyond drained. Flame away.

  • No flames from me! I usually am not done until close to 10 and Brooke is asleep by 10--10:30.

    But I will say this, it'll get harder when she has to go to school and has to be in on time. Although, maybe then she'll be tired enough to WANT to sleep early.

  • Oh, I know. I figure we'll have it sorted out by then or she'll learn the hard way. My friend's 6 or 7 yr old is like that and won't go to sleep at night so he's having to learn the consequences of those actions. I'd prefer not to have to go that route though.

    Brookie and A were meant to be rockstars. ;-)


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