Quick low down on me and this journey:
Married 2 years in April, I'm 42 and DH is 39. I went straight to in vitro starting in Oct, ER & ET in Nov then miscarried in Dec.
We took a much needed emotional and financial break and decided that March would be our month to start again. Well it was our month because we got pregnant on our own!. I began bloodwork again to monitor hcg and it increased on schedule. We had a u/s at 6 weeks and 2 days and say the little thing and the heart flutter.
I went back yesterday at 8 weeks and 1day and the little thing had not grown much but the worst of it was there was no longer a heart beat.
I knew something was wrong when it took him longer to find the little thing and I didn't hear anything.
I caught a flight to CA to be with DH for the weekend.
What an emotional rollercoaster. I know this may be familiar to some of you because I've been on this board since Oct and I have read the victories and the defeats. It sucks to be the defeat but we still have HOPE.
Now to decide do I have a DnC done or wait it out and let it pass naturally? I asked RE if I had DnC if that would cause problems for ivf, he said no. I think I just want to get it over with and move on.
Thanks for listening.
Re: 8 week change
Carrie I am really sorry for all you are going through. Keep that hope alive and take good care of yourself. Much love-
I'm really sorry about your loss. I just had my second miscarriage so I know how much it sucks.
I miscarried naturally with both of mine. With this one, it's been a month and my betas are finally going down (the first it was done in two weeks). While I don't regret have a natural miscarriage again, this time around has been a huge PITA, so if I have another miscarriage (hopefully not) I won't be so reluctant to have a D&C.
Hope is good to have during times like this.
Oh Carrie....I am so, so sorry. big (((hugs))).
I had a D&C...it was a pretty painless and simple procedure. The emotional part of course is the hardest. PM me if you ever want to chat.
Tons of thoughts and prayers are headed your way. I hope that you find comfort in knowing we are here for you.
I'm just so, so sorry you're going through this. It really does suck and I hate that so many of us have had to go through it. I had a natural m/c which was fine........it didn't feel too much different from normal AF, although it was very emotional (it's emotional no matter what you do, I think). I totally understand wanting to get the D&C and move on.
It sounds like you and DH have a positive attitude, which I believe takes your far in this process. Keep the faith and hope and I will be keeping you in my T&P.
Oh Carrie- I'm so sorry. That is just so unfair and it totally sucks. Whatever route you choose to take- d&c or natural m/c, I'll always be here any time you want to vent or need a computer to cry on!
IUI- BFN IVF #1 -BFP! Allie is our 2nd IVF baby. Born at 36 1/2 weeks after pre-e again