We really want to adopt again and are trying to decide when to start the process. I am also trying to decide if we should use the same agency, a different agency, an attorney, or consultant. Has anyone done multiple DA's? Or is anyone considering adopting agan? How much time did you wait between adoptions or plan on waiting?
Re: Second Adoption
We've done 2 Korean adoptions. We used the same homestudy agency, but different placement agencies. We started #2 about 2 years after finalizing #1, and my sons came home almost exactly 3 years apart (the second week in December of 05 and 08).
Our foster license was still open for #2, so we had to update our homestudy for Korea and not the state. Using the same homestudy agency probably saved us money (I think they charge less for updating a homestudy, although it probably wasn't MUCH less) and time, as they had all our information, etc. We did have a different social worker, as our previous SW left to become a SAHM. That bummed us out a little because we really had a great relationship with #1.
We haven't done it yet, but we do plan to use the same agency in the future. We will probably start to do all of the paperwork in the spring next year. DD's adoption will probably be finalized the July, so we'll wait a bit and then start the process again.
Good luck!
We knew our agency had a wait list for its outreach program, and we were really hoping to have our kids be close in age, so we got on the wait list when E was 9 months old. We were also worried that since we had one already, we might wait longer... Most importantly, we wanted to wait until E's adoption was finalized, and we didn't want to have 2 under 1 year (it would be hard to get time off again, among other reasons), so that's why we didn't get on the list earlier.
After E turned 1, we were still not in the outreach program, and it was looking like it might be a while before we were, so I started doing some networking on my own, and lo and behold, we are now matched with a BM due in Sept! This BM told us that she specifically liked our family because we had an adopted child already. We are still using our original agency for our post-placement visits and any updates to our homestudy that need to take place between now and Sept.
Long story short, we really liked our agency, and wanted to work with them again, but apparently there was a different plan for us!
We weren't expecting two adoptions, but.... H was born in April and I guess we were officially matched again in January. We are obviously using the same agency. Although we have had some issues this time around with the agency it is nice knowing what to expect. We have the same doctor, hospital, everything. There so much less to plan this time around. We had a few thousand dollars knocked off the fee due to the second adoption.
We also used the same home study agency even though we had huge issues the first time around. Mainly because I did not want to start over and we just had to have one 30 minute meeting to update our homestudy. (plus new physicals, background checks, etc.)
Even if this situation did not present itself and we had decided to adopt again, we would have skipped the consultant route the second time around because we knew what we needed from an agency and for us we preferred that route to a straight referral from a consultant.
Our children will be 13 to 14 months apart. Now that we are getting close I'm excited they will be so close in age.
Thanks to all of you on your thoughts and experiences. I really did like our agency and the sw that did our home study and post placement visits. I think I will talk to the agency to see if they can reduce their costs for the second adoption. It would be nice to work with them again because we are now familiar with their process and staff. Our SW said she could redo our homestudy at a reduced rate which would be helpful too. I think we will wait a little longer to start the process again, maybe this fall.