Texas Babies

Midwives in San Antonio?

Is anyone here planning on using a midwife??

Re: Midwives in San Antonio?

  • Do you want to deliver at home, in a birthing center or hospital?  I wanted to deliver in a hospital but still use a midwife and found that Lone Star Midwives are the only ones in town that have hospital rights (and are certified nurse-midwives associated with an OB office).  A few folks on here have used them and had good things to say.  For me it has been great so far!
  • Thank you! Hospital for sure. I am seeing someone from Lonestar OBGYN which is probably not linked. I will check it out, thank you so much!
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  • There next to Saint Luke's?  Actually, I think they are linked since the midwives use all their labs/ultrasound equipment/techs, etc. and the OB office is the backup for complications.  The OB/GYN office is on the 3rd floor and the midwives have their office on the 4th floor (but send you downstairs for blood draws, ultrasounds, etc.).
  • The Lonestar Midwives are based out of St. Luke's Hospital and only deliver there.  They are wonderful - I have been getting my prenatal care there for my pregnancy. 
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