Hi Ladies, I have e-mailed Christine Bentley regarding a Mom?s Photography Workshop. She has a few questions:
1. What are the levels of all the Mom's? - Let me know if you are Beginner, intermediate, advanced (do you even have a DSLR?)
2. How many Mommy's are there - If you answer the questions I will take that as a count you are interested
3. when are you guys thinking? ? Weekends work best for me or a Friday.
Re: Mom's photography workshop - info
I didn't reply in the other thread but depending on when the workshop is/cost, I'm interested in being on the list and more info.
I've got a camera and I'd list myself somewhere between beginner and intermediate. I can navigate though settings but not super comfortably. I'm available Tuesdays, Fridays & weekends.
Thanks for coordinating!
Heck yeah... In&Out days are my favorite work days!
But they are putting a truck over here this time! So I dont have to walk/drive over to the campus.
Its okay, my feelings arent hurt that I had to read this online! hahah!
I would say I am intermediate. She knows my skill level, so depending on what she is going to cover, I might be interested!
Yay! Thanks for putting this together!
1. I'm a total beginner. I'm actually still waiting for my DSLR to get here. Woot! But, I'm a super quick at a picking things up, and plan to be pro by the end of class. Just sayin'
3. Weekends, for sure. Let's try to do this ASAP, so I will have plenty of practice before LO's 1 year bday.
Intermediate. I shoot in manual mode and use all the settings (white balance, ISO, etc).
Thanks for looking into this.
I have a DSLR (just one lens) and I'm pretty much a beginner.
Weekends are best for me.
I am totally interested too. I just got my Canon Rebel DSLR right before easter and I LOVE IT. I am a total beginner though. Still using auto settings.
Weekends are better for me.
Hello! Took a break from the Bumpie boards but I'm very interested in this workshop
1. What are the levels of all the Mom's? - Let me know if you are Beginner, intermediate, advanced (do you even have a DSLR?) - I have a dSLR and I'm beginner 2. How many Mommy's are there - If you answer the questions I will take that as a count you are interested3. when are you guys thinking? ? any day works for me
1. Total beginner. I actually don't have a DSLR (yet), but would borrow my dad's to do the workshop. I do plan to get a DSLR, and want to learn.
3. Definitely weekends.
Yay! Thanks for putting this together!!
1. I am a total beginner....I don't even know what kind of camera I have! Yes, is is a DSLR, a Canon Rebel XSI (reading off of the camera!ha)
2. Definitely weekends
Beginner with a Canon Rebel. I can be available anytime.
Yay, I'm definitely interested!
I'm a complete beginner. I have a DSLR but can't do anything besides turn it on and take a picture. I have no idea about any of the settings- haven't taken the time to learn.
Weekends work the best for me.