
First IUI--chance of it happening? Might be TMI

So I am new here, but here is my story.  My husband and I have no problems.  My hormones are good, my HSG is clear, his SA was normal.  No signs of endo etc.  However, we have been unable to get pregnant after a reason they think is he is unable to ejaculate in me.  He has to do it by hand and then put it in at the last moment.   We are not sure if his sperm is getting through the cervical mucus.  I have my first follicule check tomorrow, and then we will be told when to trigger and when to have the actual IUI.   My question here is how long does it take people to get pregnant with this procedure?  My husband and I are youngish (27,28).  I would appericiate advice, comments, etc.  Thank you in advance.
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Re: First IUI--chance of it happening? Might be TMI

  • It really is different for everyone.

    We've done two IUIs, neither were successful.

    Many women get pregnant on their first IUI cycle. Maybe try posting over on SAIF to see how many IUI cycles it took the women there to conceive.


    TTC #1 since June 2008 *SAIFW*

    TI, IUIs, IVF = c/ps and BFNs

  • Hello and welcome!

    There is this chart from here. It depends on what kind of treatment you are undergoing and how aggressive your RE is on the number of mature follicles you're producing.

    Approximate chance for success getting pregnant with one month of various treatments
    Female age under 35, 2 years of trying to conceive
    Type of Treatment Total Motile Sperm Count (in millions)
    Less than 1 1-5 5-10 10-20 ?20
    Intercourse - Trying on your own .2% 1% 2% 2.5% 3%
    Intrauterine Insemination - IUI .4% 2% 4% 5% 7%
    Ovarian stimulation with Clomid plus IUI 0.5% 2.5% 5% 7% 8%
    Ovarian stimulation with injectable FSH plus IUI 0.5% 3% 6% 9% 12%
    In Vitro Fertilization - IVF with ICSI
    IVF statistics are dependent on the clinic
    60% 60% 60% 60% 60%

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  • We got our a BFP on our first IUI. It is possible. Good Luck.
    DX: Unexplained IF/possible PCOS 5/5/2010 Surprise BFP! After 2 miscarriages and many prayers, our angel is here:) Photobucket Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
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