Boston Babies

South Shore pediatrician Rec


I am a first time mom and looking for pediatrician rec's. I live in Quincy.

Any thoughts would be helpful.

Thank You

Re: South Shore pediatrician Rec

  • pomfpomf member
    We really like Milton Pediatrics in Braintree. My kids see Dr. Paul, but I know people who are happy with many of the doctors in the practice.
  • South Shore Pediatrics in Weymouth is who we use.  We're very happy there.
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  • I'm a first time mom and live in quincy too.  Our OB uses Milton Pediatrics (on Wood Rd in braintree)- so we took that as a good sign and got a pediatrician there.   When are you due?  We are due August 28th.
  • I'm in Quincy also. We go to Quincy Pediatrics, they are amazing! All of the doctors are great, and are affiliated with SSH (if that is where you're delivering, they'll be in every morning to check on you and LO).

    Also, highly recommended in Crown Colony Pediatrics.

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  • Thank You all so much I am due July 27th but I am high risk due to type 1 diabetes, so I should go early.
  • we live in Quincy and DD goes to Crown Colony pediatrics (we love Dr. Angus). Someone else had recommended Quincy pediatrics as well
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  • Do any of these Dr.'s approve of a delayed vax plan?  Thanks.  I am looking for one in the Braintree area.
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  • I highly recommend Quincy Pediatrics.

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  • I'm using quincy pediatric associates.  I also want to do an alternative vaccination schedule.  I'm seeing Dr. Christian, and my son will go in at the end of the month for his 2 mo. appointment and shots.  I asked Dr. Christian about the delayed schedule at one of my sons first appointments, and he said that they recommend the AAP's schedule, but are willing to work with us to do what we are comfortable with.  I believe most of the doctors at the practice are willing to do the same.  Good luck!
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