I swear anytime he isn't working full time (he works in the HVAC industry and isn't with a "steady" company right now), he falls in to some sort of depression or something. He wants to sleep all day, and then when he is awake thinks that he is entitled to sit around and do nothing all day long.
I come home from work and the gym, exhausted, and he wants to go out and get something for dinner. 1) Could you have called me and asked me to bring something home for dinner? 2) You've been home all day, cook something and have dinner ready when I get home. 3) Um, you aren't working full time so don't you think we should be saving every red penny (especially since we are still TTC)? I can understand this to an extent, because he feels like he's couped up all day, but we do have 3 dogs, take them for a long walk to get out for a while.
One would think that since he is home all day I'd come home to a clean house, but of course that doesn't happen either. So when the weekends get here and I want to clean the house, DH flat out refuses to help.
I don't mind cooking and cleaning, but I feel like I am the only one putting effort in to anything right now. And I'll admit it, I miss my me time. With him not working he is always here. Before I had every Saturday morning to myself. I got to sleep in for a bit and then I'd get up and do laundry/clean house while DH worked. By the time he came home, I was usually done and we'd hang out for awhile. Life was good.
There is a light at the end of the tunnel (I hope), because DH just landed his "dream job". They had some more openings at the company where his old collegues work and they hired DH on the spot. So now we are looking at a steady 40 hour income each week (no matter what), as well as a $4 an hour pay raise. Not to mention the benefits package is pretty sweet. DH will also have to work every third Saturday so I get some me time back. We are just waiting on the background check to come back and then he can start. I am just crossing my fingers that this place is all they say it is and the DH doesn't get screwed like he did the last two times.
If you read all this, thanks. I just needed to get this off my chest. Now I need to get back to cleaning while DH is outside walking the dogs.
Re: DH vent...
Ugh, I so fully hear you!!
My DH works from home and there is no steady income. It is sometimes 2 months before we see anything.
I work TWO JOBS, one of which has me on my feet for six hours with only a 15 minute break. And I do all the cooking and cleaning.
Although I blew up at him the other day and yelled at him and I came home last night to a slightly cleaner house
I'm sorry...sounds very frustrating. At least there is an end in sight!
TI, IUIs, IVF = c/ps and BFNs
jkmcnamara :
Ok so I feel a little better that I am not the only one dealing with this. Luckily I don't have to work two jobs anymore, but I did for a very long time...and I still pick up voluntary overtime every now and again just for some fun money.
I know DH will turn around a bit once he gets back into the swing of things.
But I know you can appreciate the challange of budgeting on such a varing income.
It's really hard. People are always telling me to save money, but it's hard when he hasn't seen a paycheck in 4 months (true story) and you have to start using savings to pay bills.
I am so sorry hon! How annoying!
I hope your dh's job comes through soon so that he can snap out of it and you can have some alone time too
Unexplained Infertility
After two Clomid cycles, three injectable IUI cycles, two IVFs, two miscarriages, and one lap surgery, IVF #2 has brought us our little boy!
TTC #2
After months of being postponed or cancelled, FET #1.3 (Natural FET) brought us twin girls!