We've decided on the name Julia Mary and we're torn on the 2nd name. The two names we're down to are:
Audrey Elizabeth
Kate Elizabeth
The MN's are family names so those won't change. Our last name is long, Italian, rhymes with Geronimo, and it's difficult to pronounce! I'm trying to keep their first names easy!
Re: Please vote on a name for twin girls! Clicky poll
I agree - Audrey Elizabeth does sound better. I try not to get too wrapped up in that since she won't use her MN too much anyway. Elizabeth is my MN, and it honestly makes my name way,too.long but I don't really care since I never have to use it.
I voted Kate. I really love both Julia and Kate ... beautiful names!
I'm assuming you don't like any of the longer versions (Katelyn, Katherine, etc) that Kate can be a nn for? The only reason I ask is that since Julia is 3 syllables, Kate just seems so short and abrupt when said together. I have a feeling you will be saying Julia and Kate many times together over the coming years
I don't know - maybe I'm not making sense. I do think they sound nice together, so it isn't that.
Logan David 03.27.08
Jacob Riley 05.18.09
{Member since 2007}
I'm trying to love a name that Kate is a nn for but I'm not succeeding! I'm not a fan of Katherine or Katelyn and I will really just call her Kate anyway. DH wants to call her Katie. That can be a father/daughter thing!