
Would you go to a birthday party on a Sunday night @ 5:30?

I suck and waited to long to book Ava's party @ Pump It Up and they have slim pickings. My pretty much only option is a party the first weekend in June @ 5:30 on a Sunday night. 

Party is 2 hours long and will be over by 7:30 - would you go?

{Ava 5.16.06} {Ella 12.29.07} {Drew 2.9.10}

Re: Would you go to a birthday party on a Sunday night @ 5:30?

  • yep I would. I went to a KIDS 1st & 2nd party at 8pm on a Saturday a few weeks ago, we didn't get out until 10:30. It was at a bounce place too and was so much fun despite my bitching about the time.
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  • I would. It's not like the party is going to end at 10pm-kwim? It still gives people time to get their kids home and in bed by 8:30.

     However; I'm a little unconventional and we usually have our birthday parties on Sundays at 4 pm b/c DH works a lot of Sundays from 11-4 and I want him to be home for the parties. (He works Saturdays 8a-6p so Saturdays really aren't an option).

  • ZenyaZenya member
    no.  really bad time, imo
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  • No.  My kids go to bed at 7.  I am not much of a scheduler, but they need to go to bed at 7.
  • If I were a family member, probably.  But I probably wouldn't be happy about it.  If I were just a friend, no.  My kids would be too riled up just before bed--it would make for a miserable evening for all of us.
  • No.  My kids are in bed 7:30/8pm, so it would have the potential to be a crabby time.  Plus, we eat at 6, so it would be a late dinner for us too.  Not usually a problem, but if they were being so active before it, I could see some major meltdowns.  Also, I like my Sunday evenings to myself, at home.
  • I would. That wouldn't get my kids wired before bed, it would wear them out! They would pass out right on time.
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  • #6#6 member

    Yes.  In the summer my kids stay up until 9.  Some nights its 8:30 but most its 9.  

    Even if their bedtime was earlier we dont mind pushing back bedtime for a special occasion.  


  • Yes, I would go.  I love any activity that tires them out before bed :)
    Ryan 5/2010, Kyle 1/2007, Eric 3/2005
  • Absolutely.  It's not like they would be getting out so late they wouldn't get up for school the next morning.  Even if they went to bed at 7 or 7:30...the latest they would be getting to bed would be maybe 8:30.  I mean, really, what is one hour in the big scheme of things.  I'm all for schedules but since it would be still close enough to bedtime when they went I wouldn't have a problem with it at all.  Make sure you have food so they don't have to try to eat before coming or after they get home.
  • Yes. It's ONE night. I don't worry about things like this.
  • ZenyaZenya member

    Yes. It's ONE night. I don't worry about things like this.

    I totally believe that in theory but DS would be a monster there (b/c he'd be tired) and a disaster the next few days while he caught up on sleep.  It sucks.  He's just not flexible when it comes to sleep.  

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  • Yes, we would probably go, particularly if it was a close friend/family member.  We'd probably stay until 7PM, and then just plan on getting the kiddos in bed a bit later that one night. 

    One thing at that time, though, is I would (perhaps incorrectly) hope dinner-type foods/snacks would be available - at least for the kiddos -  so that it wasn't something I had to try to fit in afterward.    If not, I would want to know it was a "cake only" gig so I could plan accordingly :)

    Sounds like fun!

  • I think it's fine!
    Nathan 7-13-06 ~ Elizabeth 4-12-09 ~ Zachary 8-5-11
  • imageKapalua:
    I think it's fine!

    Good thing since you guys are invited :)

    I am actually going to go down tomorrow and see what other options I have. I may just have to move it a little later in June (she won't know the difference!) 

    {Ava 5.16.06} {Ella 12.29.07} {Drew 2.9.10}
  • imageAnneUCSB:
    Yes, I would go.  I love any activity that tires them out before bed :)


  • Yes, we would. We're usually out and about at that time on Sundays anyways.
  • Yes, we've gone to a 6pm party which was 40 minutes away..... we got home a bit too late, but it was not a big deal really.

    ETA: it was at a bounce place too and kids got sooooo tired, no amount of pizza and ice cream kept them up late :) 

  • We would most likely go.  My kids go to bed between 7 and 7:30 so it wouldn't be that much later than their normal bedtime (unless I had to travel far for the party).  If the kids were getting to be too crabby I'd leave a little early though.
  • Yes, even tho their bedtime is at 8pm.  We would go.   

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • It includes dinner, right?  Pizza or something?  In that case, yes, we would go.

     FWIW, Ben's first birthday is at our house from 4-6 pm on a Sunday and EVERYONE we invited is coming, so  I think that's a good time.

  • Most likely no.  My kids bedtime is between 7 and 7:30 (ages 2 and almost 4) and they go to daycare/preschool full time and are up at around 6:15am M-F.  I would only do this for family and even then, we would most likely leave early.
    Jenni Mom to DD#1 - 6-16-06 DD#2 - 3-13-08 
  • Yes, but we would leave a little early.  Our DS#2 goes to bed at 7pm & our 2 DD's go to bed at 7:30pm- especially on a school night.
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