
22 weeks and told to work from home

Hi, I went for my scheduled appointment yesterday and even though everything was great (plenty of fluid, twins are growing, heartrates are normal, cervix is closed and long), my doctor told me to start working from home two days a week.  My company is fine with it, I was told to do whatever I needed from the beginning in terms of leaving early, coming in late, working from home, but I really didn't expect to be told to slow down so early.  My job is an office job, I walk to work (7 min prepregnancy,  15 minutes now) and basically sit at a desk for the rest of the day.  I figured that I had at least until week 27 or so before getting this advice and have been putting things in place at work and at home in preparation for the slow down/bed rest talk. I just think it is strange that it is happening so early. Did this happen to any of you?

Re: 22 weeks and told to work from home

  • I ended up on modified bedrest at 26 weeks and had actually stopped working 2 weeks before that (off for summer) but my OB pretty much told me that if that hadn't been my schedule, he would've asked me to do a lighter workload around 20 weeks or so. In my last couple weeks of work, he was pretty firm on me staying off my feet & teaching from a chair, which I did (luckily I teach college so it was not that hard & students were obviously understanding).
  • No but now that I'm almost 29 weeks I wish it had. Since I've had no complications my doctors are not concerned about limiting activity. I certainly feel like I'm slowing down now. Enjoy the time you have off while you are still feeling good and have lots of time to get things done and give the babies and yourself plenty of rest!
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  • I had planned on working right up until delivery. I am 30 weeks now and have only been pulled out because of some kidney issues - I have not taken a single day off since we found out I was pregnant. Otherwise, we were all in agreement that I would work right up until the end. I'm sure my doctors knew that mother nature would step in anyway. I am now pulled out from work until the "situation stabilizes itself", so I might have an opportunity to go back when my kidney stops acting up, at least for a couple weeks so I don't have to waste my time now and save it for when when the boys are here. Although, I have to admit, I really have used this week off to rest anyway. I think I just needed a time out from work. Maybe my kidney issue IS mother nature's way of saying, Take a break already!! 
  • I put myself on 2x a week from home starting this week.  The way I see it, I rather work from home and not push my body with the commute (about an hour) and be able to work until the end rather than my doctor put me out completely on BR.

    I LOVE working from home!

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