
Mallory Claire has arrived today at 33W1D

We were hoping to get to 34 weeks, where she would have been induced a week from today, but she had other ideas!

I've been on hospital bed rest for 7 weeks 2 days due to pProm, so we are happy to get all the way to 33 weeks.  We had 2 rounds of steroid shots, and I'm sure those helped a ton.

I started having contractions that I could actually feel slightly around 2:30am.  Around 6:30 am they were coming fairly regularly and getting stronger bit by bit, so they gave me a percoset to take of the edge.

The doctor came to the room around 8:30 or so, contractions were around 5 minutes apart, but still not totally horrible yet.  She said Mallory will be coming tonight or early tomorrow more than likely.  So we got me set up with an IV so I could then go to L&D and get my epi.  The doctor checked me around 10 am and I was already 10 cm dialated!  So, off to L&D as quickly as possible and started pushing as soon as I got in there, no time for an epidural!

Around 30 minutes later, Mallory Claire arrived at 10:36am.  She weighs 4 lbs 1 oz and is 16 1/2 inches long.  She came out crying, had great color and was breathing on her own.  She went straight to the intermediate nursery instead of NICU.  She is having some slight help keeping her temp regulated, breathing room air through a cannula and has a feeding tube for the moment.  We will try her eating/breathing ability here in another day or so.  I've started trying to pump, but nothings coming out yet.  Hopefully soon.

We are just so happy to meet our little girl and glad she stayed in the oven for as long as she did.  I know we are looking at several weeks in the hospital, but overall she is doing great!  Here's a picture of our little bean!


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