I'm sure some of you have had similar experiences, but I just wanted to share my crazy dream from last night....
In my dream my friend who is maybe 6weeks pregnant and I both went into labor at the same time.. I ended up having my baby except my son who is already 5lbs, was born at 4lbs 7oz and was a girl... then in my half dreaming I started to freak out that my daughter would have only boy things to wear and her room was all monkeys.. then I must have stretched out my arm and hit something, and this made me think I was in a hospital bed and just hit the rails on the side and I woke up freaking out thinking I had given birth and I was looking for my baby... only to find that it was all a dream....
Feel free to share your weirdest dream yet.. I'm sure there are some good ones out there...
Re: Dreams....
I've had two very strange dreams as of late. First, I dreamed that I had my cousin perform a c-section just so I could hold the baby. I held her for a few minutes then had my cousin put her back and sew me back up!
Then, I dreamed that DH came to the conclusion that I was cheating on him. His only clue...I had been taking too much Tylenol. Evidently the Tylenol had been keeping me so stoned that I had no inhibitions about cheating on him. WTF?!