I'm good. Contemplating getting a shower and heading to bed soon. Counting down to my 33rd birthday, which is in just a few hours!
My Mom posted something funny on my FB page. She said Happy Birthday and, "Isn't it weird how we're almost the same age now? I just turned 40!" Or something like that. I love my Momma!
How are you??
(Counting down to the one-star. Every single post to me tonight has gotten it LMAO!)
Re: Sarah L
I'm good. Contemplating getting a shower and heading to bed soon. Counting down to my 33rd birthday, which is in just a few hours!
My Mom posted something funny on my FB page. She said Happy Birthday and, "Isn't it weird how we're almost the same age now? I just turned 40!" Or something like that. I love my Momma!
How are you??
(Counting down to the one-star. Every single post to me tonight has gotten it LMAO!)
Well I just gave it 4 stars....what is up with that?
Happy Birthday!!!!! Anything fun planned?
Just doing an overnight trip with hubby not too far out of town. Just far enough away for a change of scenery.
That sounds like fun and should be relaxing. Hey it went down a half a star lol. I tried!!!
I am debating on what to eat for dinner and I feel like I cold is coming on =(
LOL!! I hate passive aggressiveness. I can't wait until the star rating system is gone.
I'm going to do one more sweep through TTGP and then head to bed.
Night! xo