Ok, so my grandmother was Dutch, I greatly resemble that part of the family, and I'd love to commemorate that part of my heritage through a name (also gives me an excuse to pick something unique, though not you-neek IYKWIM) Here are a few that appealed to me, and I would LOVE some more suggestions!
Girl: Aleida, Johanna (nn Jannie, or Hanna), Antje (pronounced Aunt-ya), Marlies (MAHR-lees), Leonora (nn Lenor or Nora)
Boy: Johann (nn Jan), Willem (my gran had a brother named this and he went by Wim), Jager (YAY-ger), Ryker (don't bash - it's the Dutch form of Richard. I was surprised too), Bram.
I'm not in love with any of them (ok maybe Johann) so pick away at 'em.
Re: Dutch Names. . .
I like Aleida and Willem.
Please don't name your baby Jager. As in Jagermeister.. Jager-bomb..
Heh, totally didn't think of that.
Love Ryker. And like Bram.
Don't particularly like the girl names.
Other dutch names i like:
boy: Lars, Tristan
girl: Astrid, Birgitte
Aleida - loves it!
Johanna - I like it if its Yo-hahnah, not Joe-Hannah and be prepared for mispronumciations like that.
Antje - Don't love this one
Marlies - its ok
Leonora - loves it!
Johann - good
Willem - good
Jager - for the love of god, please no! This is the American equivalent of naming your child Molson or Everclear. Sorry, but we have ruined this name forever.
Ryker - I would think you were a little too in love with star trek.
Bram - not bad
DH is Flemish, so am also a fan of many Dutch/Flemish names - of yours, I like Aleida, Antje, Marlies, Johann & Willem best.
Other Dutch names I love: (g) Anneke, Katelijn, Evelien, Margriet w/ nn of Griet/Grietje and (b) Pieter, Andries, Jeroen.
Don't worry, Jager is definitely out . . . didn't think of the liquor, d'oh! I just thought it looked cool.
ara, unfortunately the ones I like from your selection are already taken (in English form) in my family.
Yes, it would definitely be YO-hann and YO-hanna. Love Anneke but my best friend's sister is named that and she's . . . not the kind of person I would name a kid after.
A best friend in high school of mine was Pieter, younger brother Henk. Dutch family, Dutch spellings, but names people were familiar with.