
Antidepressants and home study?

We had our 2nd of three home study meetings yesterday, and we did the individual interviews.  When DH told her he is on Zoloft for anxiety and depression, the social worker said she was concerned about this being a problem, especially with ICPC, and needed a letter from a doctor explaining the symptoms he presented, why DH is on the meds, that he can still parent, etc.  

We never even considered that this might be a problem.  His depression isn't severe - he's never been suicidal, in in patient treatment, etc.  It's just mild depression, and it's under control with meds. 

Does anyone have experience with this?  Hopefully the letter from the prescribing doctor will be enough and there will be no issues. 

Re: Antidepressants and home study?

  • Where are you trying to adopt from? Some countries won't adopt to people with history of depression or other mental illness, but generally foster & domestic is fine...
    Stay at Home Mama to 3 Beautiful Children by the miracles of Birth & Adoption
  • We're doing a domestic adoption
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  • You should be fine. I am sure the doctor will have no problem writing that your DH is capable of parenting. It's more a precaution than anything. Don't stress.
    Stay at Home Mama to 3 Beautiful Children by the miracles of Birth & Adoption
  • I was on anti depressants when we did all 5 of our home studies and no one said anything to me about it? I guess I would follow your social workers advice, but know that it never even came up, in our final home study our professional didn't even mention it.
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