So, today's nurse was able to find Ms. Left Ovary. And guess what? I
still have those two follicles from the other day! Plus a smaller
one, that won't be big enough by Monday. And on the right, I have two,
not just one!
Translation based on size: We'll have at least one really good one on
Monday, three is highly likely, and there's a potential for four.
The nurse said, "I knew you had more than just one follicle based on your estradol levels." So there!
She also said, "This is really good for a mock cycle." So there!
I reminded her that while it's technically a mock cycle for IVF, it's all we're doing, so it has to work!
In sum: Not bad for a 40-year-old with high FSH!!!
I trigger tonight, and we do IUI Monday morning at 8 a.m.
I simply could not have made it this far without you girls. Thanks for the support and encouragement.
Re: Better news today!
Great news! Good luck on Monday:)
My Blog

See, I just KNEW Ms. Lefty would come around!! This is great news!
Now comes the hardest part......the 2WW after the absolutely consumed me! I'll be thinking positive thoughts for you and that those swimmers do their job!! Can't wait to hear updates!
Yay you!
This is terribly exciting Joyful! I'm nervous though. I get nervous anytime there are multiple follies for an IUI cycle. I would have never guessed that both of mine would have taken when everything we tried prior wouldn't even get one of them.
Good luck...this looks very promising!!!!!!! : )
Thanks for being "nervous" in that kinda way. Such confidence you have in my old eggies!
The nurse at my RE's said they'd be "beyond thrilled" to give us twins - meaning, they don't think there's any way in heck it will happen.
I'd be just fine with twins!
Thank you so much. Think pregnant thoughts for me!
You are all so wonderful! Thank you so much.
(I'm typing this while warming my trigger shot to room temp under my arm...)
We can virtually hold each other back from peeing on sticks.