TTC after 35

First Response - FALSE negative...whoo!!!

Hi all,

I used the First Response home pregnancy test on the day I was supposed to get my period.  It's supposed to give you a reading up to 4 days before the period, so I figured it would be pretty accurate.   It was negative....not even a faint line.  NADA.  I was a bit disappointed and went to CVS to buy myself a new box of tampons since I was low on supply and would obviously need them asap.

Several days period. Boobs felt tender, and I was feeling sluggish and unfocused on the tennis court all week (where I am usually a maniac).  Went to sip my morning coffee yesterday and thought "I am not really enjoying this much'.  That was where I thought something was really off.  I had no interest in coffee when I was pregnant with my daughter....hmmm...

I bought an EPT test last night, and first thing this morning I tested positive!!

I think the big lesson here is that you should try not to be as impatient I as was with the pregnancy tests.  I took the first one not only too early, but did not use the first urine of the morning which is the most concentrated.  Mine was obviously way too diluted when I tested.

Anyhow, I also am excited, but not too excited yet.  My very first pregnancy just before I got pregnant with my daughter, ended after just 5 short weeks, so I only consider myself sort-of-pregnant.  I am hopeful that this will go full term.

Re: First Response - FALSE negative...whoo!!!

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    YAY for a happy story!

    Stick, little bean, stick!!

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    I had pretty much the same thing happen with the 2nd pregnancy, except I think I did test the day before I expected to start. If you read the fine print on the test's paperwork, as I did, you end up discovering that while some women got positives 5 days before, it's kind of a low percentage (maybe 1/2, if that) and that for best results, they recommend waiting until the day your period is expected at the very least. I haven't had a reason/chance to test since that one, but I'm persoally not putting as much stock in their "5 days before" claims anymore.

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    mkwtmkwt member
    that is wonderful news!!
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    Congratulations!!!  Best of luck!
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    Yay!  Congratulations =)
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    Good for you!  My first BFP ended in a really early M/C too so I understand the anxiety.  Sending sticky thoughts your way. Enjoy 1st tri, its really entertaining over there:)
    I give up trying to get a ticker.  I have a DD that is 2.5 years old and is awesome.  Maybe I'll add a quote to distinguish myself.  Hmmm.  How about...

    "It is more fun to talk with someone who doesn't use long, difficult words but rather short, easy words like "What about lunch?" - A.A. Milne, Winnie-the-Pooh
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    Thanks everyone for the good wishes.  I enjoyed reading the pregnancy test this morning, but I will feel a little better about this after I make it through 6 weeks...

    Miscarriages are so unfair, and I can't quite wrap my head around why they seem to happen so often.

    izzourclue - thanks so much.  Sending good thoughts your way, too :)

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    So happy for you! Congratulations! And stay focused to the positive, all will be great.
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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    YAY for a happy story!

    Stick, little bean, stick!!

    I agree!!!  Come on baby grow, grow, grow!!!

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    IF History in my Bio!

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    Congrats and I hope everything goes well
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    awww congratulations!!!!!!  Wondeful, wonderful news!  Keep positive thoughts for yourself and this little angel!  Have a fantastic 9 months ahead!!!!


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    I think the big lesson here is that you should try not to be as impatient I as was with the pregnancy tests. 

  hard not to be too impatient as I have a few more days until AF would show.

    Congrats and all the best for a sticky baby!!

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    Terrific news!  Lots of sticky dust heading your way!! 
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