
Off prometrium at 11 weeks?

My RE wanted me to come off the prometrium suppositories at 10 weeks, but she said I could use the rest of the bottle up. The last day I have left is tomorrow (10w6d) and I'm nervous to go off of them!

Anyone else go off earlier than 12 weeks? TIA!

Re: Off prometrium at 11 weeks?

  • My last progesterone injection was at 10w6d.  :)

    After 2 rounds of IVF & 2 rounds of FET, we were blessed with identical twin girls!

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  • I never was on Prog. with the trio, but this time since we are using injectables the RE set me up with a script for 6 1/2 weeks after the IUI.
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  • My RE had me stop at 12 weeks, but it didn't seem like a hard date.  She said if I ran out any time between 11-12, I didn't need to refill. 

    It was WONDERFUL to stop taking them too.  Those things were messy!

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  • My peri said I could stop at my first visit to him around 8-9 wks. I double checked back in with my RE and he said it was fine to stop too. I was nervous (but at the same time glad I got to stop poking myself!)


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  • i stressed about this too, but was told MANY times that your body is making soooo much prog at this point.. tons of it.  many docs are stopping prog earlier and earlier.  i think my RE said research shows it's just precautionary after 7wks (unless you have a rare prog deficiency).  you might as well finish what you have.  you will be so happy once you don't have to deal with those icky suppositories.

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  • My OB told me I could stop supps at 10w.  Like you, I had a partial bottle left so she told me to go ahead and keep taking them until they were gone.  I was maybe a day or 2 shy of 12w.  I had no issues when I stopped them.  (Well, other than the immense joy of knowing I'll never have to use those nasty things again.  ;) )  

  • My last day was exactly at 10 wks and I didn't miss them!  : )
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  • I stopped right around 9 or 10 weeks.  
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  • They had me continue on them for my entire pregnancy.  None of us wanted to take the chance after previous losses.
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  • That is so true. My RE told me to stop Endometrium at 8wks. I wqs scared but glad to stop. I hated to side effects!
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