
The ER...part II

So I posted below about our adventure in the ER Saturday night - cellulitis, staph...lots of fun. 

Long story short, the area around DD's eye begin to swell even more last night so we had to go back.  She was admitted and they FINALLY got us into a room around 4am (7 short hours after we arrived).  They started IV Vancomycin for the staph and called in a facial surgeon who, thankfully, doesn't think the abcess needs to be drained.

It looks TONS better today so they'll continue the IV meds and keep her for observation.  If she continues to improve we'll likely go home on oral meds tomorrow.

Mentally and emotionally I'm actually okay (and I only took 1/2 a Xanax on the way to the ER last night)...I think it helps that I'm beyond pissed off that this is staph again.  The children's hospital we're at is affiliated with a local teaching hospital so we have a "team" of attending docs, a "team" of facial specialists and a host of medical students coming and going.  When they start to tell me something about staph or the particular med she's on I'm like, "Yeah, I had MRSA last summer and it colonized in her nose twice while she was in the NICU."  That always leads to:

"Why was she in the NICU?"

"Born at 27wks?!"

"Ruptured at 23wks?!"

"And the only lasting problem is REFLUX???"

I guess at the very least it puts into perspective how very lucky we are.  Though I'm still 1,000% convinced that I contracted MRSA in delivery...regardless of what the infectious disease hag says.

 Last night:


About an hour ago:



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Re: The ER...part II

  • Oh no!!! I'm so sorry you ended back in the hospital. But wow, the latest pic is an amazing, huge difference. I hope she continues to improve rapidly.

     Do any of her various teams have any thoughts on how to de-colonize her? Do they think the IV meds will kill the MRSA once and for all?

  • The meds should take care of anything in her nose, as well as her facial infection.  The problem is that it's so common EVERYWHERE now, not just in hospitals.  So many people are colonized and never know it because their immune system keeps everything in check.  She's still so young and was on so many different antibiotics in the NICU, her immune system is still trash.

    Maybe, if nothing else, Sarah is building some sort of immunity now...we can hope...

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  • Oh, she looks so much better.. I'm glad the meds are working. Poor thing. Man.. hospitals suck. :(
  • Glad the meds are working! She looks much better! 
  • Oh no! I'm so sorry. I hope Sarah gets better soon. Keeping you guys in my prayers.



  • I'm glad it is improving! She looks sooo much better!

    Are ya'll at Children's?

  • awwwww poor girl!
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