Ugh. The girls get up to eat their first "middle of the night" bottle anywhere from 12 - 2 am. Lily thinks it's time to get up for the day and will stay up wide awake for an hour or two. She screams if we put her down. What can I do to help teach her that she needs to go back to sleep?
Last night, she was up from 12 - 2 am, and then again at 4 am. This sucks! They were doing so well last week, too.
Re: waking up to eat at night and staying up
Just wanted to say you are not alone! One of my boys stays awake from the 3-4am feeding until...well, he's still awake right now. I am interested to see what everyone has to say!
I can't offer any advice, all I can say is that I feel your pain - that is what DS is doing now.
When my twins were that age we let DD have a mini-CIO session (I don't think more than 5 minutes or so) and she figured out that she would rather be asleep than awake .. she is still my better sleeper. DS did not figure this out and I am paying for it. I think yours are too young for CIO but allowing a little fussing worked for us.
We do let her fuss for a few minutes to see if she'll fall back asleep, and sometimes she does for like 2 minutes only to wake and fuss again. When I check in on her, she is WIDE awake and squirming to get out of her swaddle.
And if I wake her before she is ready to eat, she falls asleep on the bottle.
Man, this is rough. I hope it's just a phase, especially since last week was much better. I am going to try to up their ounces in their 4 pm and 7 pm bottles to see if that helps.
After 2 rounds of IVF & 2 rounds of FET, we were blessed with identical twin girls!