
waking up to eat at night and staying up

Ugh.  The girls get up to eat their first "middle of the night" bottle anywhere from 12 - 2 am.  Lily thinks it's time to get up for the day and will stay up wide awake for an hour or two.  She screams if we put her down.  What can I do to help teach her that she needs to go back to sleep?

Last night, she was up from 12 - 2 am, and then again at 4 am.  This sucks!  They were doing so well last week, too.  :(

After 2 rounds of IVF & 2 rounds of FET, we were blessed with identical twin girls!

Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Re: waking up to eat at night and staying up

  • Just wanted to say you are not alone!  One of my boys stays awake from the 3-4am feeding until...well, he's still awake right now.  I am interested to see what everyone has to say!

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  • I can't offer any advice, all I can say is that I feel your pain - that is what DS is doing now.

    When my twins were that age we let DD have a mini-CIO session (I don't think more than 5 minutes or so) and she figured out that she would rather be asleep than awake .. she is still my better sleeper.  DS did not figure this out and I am paying for it. I think yours are too young for CIO but allowing a little fussing worked for us.


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  • Audrey used to do this too. I started feeding her as soon as I heard her stirring. As long as I BF her early on, she goes right back to sleep. If it escalates to her yelling or crying to eat, all bets are off and she'll be awake for a while. Have you tried that or tried feeding her before she even wakes on her own? Just a thought. GL.
  • We do let her fuss for a few minutes to see if she'll fall back asleep, and sometimes she does for like 2 minutes only to wake and fuss again.  When I check in on her, she is WIDE awake and squirming to get out of her swaddle. 

    And if I wake her before she is ready to eat, she falls asleep on the bottle.

    Man, this is rough.  I hope it's just a phase, especially since last week was much better.  I am going to try to up their ounces in their 4 pm and 7 pm bottles to see if that helps.  

    After 2 rounds of IVF & 2 rounds of FET, we were blessed with identical twin girls!

    Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
  • we are having the same issue.  I find that it is usually more one that the other - they seem to switch off.  Last night was DDs night to cause havock.  Not that it works all the time, but we keep the lights off or dim and we rock a lot and we dont talk to the them during the night - thats what I read in most of the books and it seems to work (though I feel bad about not talking to them lol)
  • I thought Oliver was the only baby who did this. His feeding between 3am feeding is horrible! He will wake up at 3 or 330 to nurse. But he nurses so bad. He will fall asleep then wake up then sleep then wake up. and when he is awake he's WIDE awake. I feel like i've tried it all.
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