AND, the newest is having talked to my daycare lady's husband who is a long time postal employee by the way. I described the entire thing to him and he was like "that's all you did?" He said he's seen other people come in making a crazy psycho scene. He was like "reaching, for sure" and told me that the post master general will not take my complaint lightly and not to at all worry about my foul language being the only focus it seems to have become.
Got mail yesterday and it was appropriately placed.
OMG, I didn't even mention this. God how could I have been so caught up in it all to have left this out.
While he's being defensive saying the mailman does leave the mail on the shelf, (wtf would i be here then) he later says that he's not allowed to and that it all has to go in the box. Mmmkay, which is it? Because now we appear to have two different stories from the same individual in the same conversation.
HA!! you're nuts! Our mailman once knocked on the door to tell me that due to several deaths in his family, he forgot our mail. Then he forgot for the next 3 days!
yessssssssssss! FIST PUMP!!!
RAISED KNEE fist pump!!
OMG you missed the crazy ass sh*t....
~runs for the link~
AND, the newest is having talked to my daycare lady's husband who is a long time postal employee by the way. I described the entire thing to him and he was like "that's all you did?" He said he's seen other people come in making a crazy psycho scene. He was like "reaching, for sure" and told me that the post master general will not take my complaint lightly and not to at all worry about my foul language being the only focus it seems to have become.
Got mail yesterday and it was appropriately placed.
OMG, I didn't even mention this. God how could I have been so caught up in it all to have left this out.
While he's being defensive saying the mailman does leave the mail on the shelf, (wtf would i be here then) he later says that he's not allowed to and that it all has to go in the box. Mmmkay, which is it? Because now we appear to have two different stories from the same individual in the same conversation.
HA!! you're nuts! Our mailman once knocked on the door to tell me that due to several deaths in his family, he forgot our mail. Then he forgot for the next 3 days!
sometimes I wonder...