When should I be concerned that Spencer has no desire to walk? He'll walk along the furniture, but other than that he will throw a fit if I try to hold his hands and help him along. Obviously, I am concerned. He moves along quite quickly with his monkey like crawl, but I didn't know if I am worrying prematurely; he is almost 16 months. Thoughts? TIA!
Re: walking
My niece and nephew also were late walker one was almost 18 months, the other just over 18 months. My sister in law was very concerned but the dr never was. They figured it out and now they are perfectly healthy running and jumping 3.5 year olds.
Always talk to your Dr if you have a concern, that's what they're there for, but also know that a lot of kids don't walk until closer to 18 months.
Thank you everyone; I think I already knew everything that you all discussed, but needed to be reassured. I have spoken with the pedi, and he said that we won't even discuss it until he is 18 months old. It's just my anxiety...
I appreciate all your stories!
Photo courtesy of www.yaporiginals.com
It's Beshert
I'm glad you talked to the pediatrician. I've got one more story for you! Cedric took his first steps at 14 months, and it was another 2 months before he really walked regularly. He preferred crawling, I guess. By 18 months he was a walker (preferred walking to crawling), but he still "toddled." Now he runs and jumps and all that good stuff at almost 3.
Graciela is nowhere near ready to walk--she'll push a walker toy but won't stand on her own yet--at 12 1/2 months, and I'm not concerned b/c of our experience with Cedric.