My dd has been in the hosp. Since Thurs. With mrsa. Have any of you had experience with this at such a young age? She seems to be doing ok just sleeping a lot. TIA ( it sucks to have one in the hosp. My ds has been so good but our schedule is defiantly out of wack!)
Re: My baby has MRSA
Both of my daughters have had it since they were very young- around six months I believe was the first time they had a flair up. They aren't hospitalized for it though, they are given bactrim and the infection clears up.
That said, they still have break-outs (large pimples of infection on their butt cheeks, and legs) after all this time. Sadly, it seems like no matter how well we clean, or how well they are treated, the MRSA never goes away completely and I'm not going to lie-- it sucks. We've used the specialty skin cleaners, we bleach the bathtub, we washed all toys and anything that couldn't be washed was thrown out and still, we can't get rid of it. I wish I had a better story to tell you, and maybe the hospital will be better able to kill off the staph than we've been able to in two years. Sorry you're sweetie has it
I myself had MRSA and just had to be very careful about washing and spreading.