
Anyone had preemies due to water breaking/leaking early?

Greetings, my first post on this board.  Someone from High Risk thought some of you could be of help to me as well.

I was admitted to the hospital a little over 2 1/2 weeks ago for amnionic fluid leakage.  I will be 29 weeks on Sunday and we are hoping to get me to 32-34 weeks. My fluid levels have gone back up as far as 13 and are now back down to 4.7, but thankfully no contractions as of yet and not dialated. 

So, I'm looking at another 3-5 weeks in the hospital and of course hope our little girl will stay in all the way to 34 weeks.

Would just like to hear others early water breaking stories and how their babies did.

All her signs are good, plenty of movement, great heart rate and is practicing her breathing.

Re: Anyone had preemies due to water breaking/leaking early?

  • I just made the post below

    My SIL just had twins @ 32w and one of the babies water broke, they wanted to try and keep them in for another 2-3w but there wasn't much water left. But kaytee (not sure if she is still around the bump, she is on a private board that I post on) water broke at 24w and they got her to 34w! I will give her a link to this post.

    Good luck to you!

  • I was 30 weeks when my water broke. I stayed on hospital bedrest for 4 wks and had my DD at 34 wks even.

    She did very well, never needing oxygen. I was given steroid shots within 24hrs of my admittance. She stayed in the NICU for 32 days mainly as a feeded/grower. She did have a problem with bradys and was on caffeine.

    Good luck to you!

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  • I'm jealous of all you ladies that were able to be on bedrest and keep cookin' a little longer.  My water broke suddenly at 31w5d at the mall (yes, fun) and by the time they hooked me up to the monitors I was having contractions...they tried two medications to stop no avail...I was 10 cm dilated a few hours later.  My son only had the benefit of one steriod shot for 5 hrs, but he came out screaming and never needed any breathing assistance.  He will be 3 weeks tomorrow (in NICU still) and his issues are learning to take a whole bottle at every feeding and stupid bradys that I hate.  Good luck and keep cookin! 
  • My water broke unexpectedly at 34 weeks on the dot. I didn't have time to get steroid shots so LO was given surfactant right after she was born. She spent a day on the vent, a few hours on cpap, and 3 days on a canula. She had a hematoma which made her bilirubin level (jaundice) off the charts. She spent two weeks in the NICU and came home with an apnea monitor.

    From what I've gathered, if you get the steroid shots prior to delivery, LO is MUCH better off breathing-wise.

    I hope you get to 34 weeks, and I'm glad you found this board, the ladies here have been very supportive to me.

  • Thank everyone, it's good to know that others have gone through something somewhat similar because I've never known anyone personally that this has happened to.

    I'm lucky so far that the steroid shots have almost had 3 weeks to work and I'm hoping they have 3-5 more weeks to do their thing.

    I'm still amazed that even if I have no fluid left, which thankfully I do still have some at this time, that they can stay in there as long as you aren't having contractions.

    Sounds like there's a lot of variation in how long LO would be in NICU, depends on what problems she may have when she is born.

    I'm optimistic that we will get to that 32-34 week range and that the time that the steroid shots have had to work that she will have minimal problems.  She looks great on the monitors and they will do another ultrasound on Monday to measure her.  She was an ounce shy of 2 pounds when we got here almost 3 weeks ago, som I'm hoping she's pushing 3 pounds now.

  • My water broke at 25w5d and I had DS at 27w5d.  I had severe polyhyrdramnios (excessive amniotic fluid) so even after my water broke, I still had more fluid than I needed.  You are doing great - the high-risk OB told us that 50% of women will deliver within 48 hours of their water breaking and 80% will deliver within 2 weeks.

    I'm surprised you aren't getting regular ultrasounds in the hospital.  I had them twice a week, and they were a great comfort.  Perhaps they just haven't done a measurement ultrasound lately?  Hang in there!

  • Oh I am getting 2 ultrasounds a week so they can check her and my fluids.  Just the one where they measure her is every 3 weeks.

    I'm hoping that since I got past the 2 week period I can make it all the way to 34 weeks.  I was 25 weeks 6 days when I was admitted, so we were about the same time.

    How is your LO born at 27 weeks?

  • imageourkybaby:

    Oh I am getting 2 ultrasounds a week so they can check her and my fluids.  Just the one where they measure her is every 3 weeks.

    I'm hoping that since I got past the 2 week period I can make it all the way to 34 weeks.  I was 25 weeks 6 days when I was admitted, so we were about the same time.

    How is your LO born at 27 weeks?

    That makes sense on the ultrasounds.  Unfortunately we didn't make it to the second growth ultrasound since DS decided to come before then.

    DS is great!  Thanks for asking.  You can read all about him (including my time on hospital bedrest - starting May 2008) at our blog -

  • I ruptured at 23w1d and had little to no measurable fluid until I delivered at 27w3d.  I had an emergency c-section at that point because of bleeding that we later learned was from placental abruption.  DD was on a vent for less tha 48hrs, on CPAP for less than two weeks and stayed on O2 until her original due date.  We would have been home 2-3wks earlier but she got H1N1 while still in the NICU.

    No IVH, no ROP, PDA closed with one round of meds.  Was able to bottle feed after about a month (o/g tube prior).  Aside from that, she had the typical transfusions, bloodwork, x-rays, ultrasounds, etc.

    She's been home for almost four months now and is meeting her adjusted milestones on time (with the help of PT/OT thru Early Intervention).  The only lasting problem we're dealing with right now is reflux.

    Good luck!!

    ETA:  I also received steroid shots at 24wks and I think those made a HUGE difference for us.


    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • I was 28 weeks when my water broke without warning.  I made it on bedrest in the hospital till 33 weeks on the nose.  DS was born breathing room air (2 rounds of steriods) and was a feeder grower mostly after getting IV fluids and antibiotics due to pPROM.
  • thhthh member

    Hi there!  My water broke at 29 weeks exactly. I went on hospital bedrest and was hoping to make it to 34 weeks.   I went into labor at exactly 31 weeks and have a 14 month old baby boy.   He spent 31 days in the NICU but was only on oxygen for a few days.   He is hitting his milestones on the lateside, but nothing to be concerned about b/c he is on a normal trajectory -- just a little later than others.  

    Good luck and hang in there!  I hope you make it to 34 weeks.

  • My water started leaking at 27 weeks and I went on hospital bedrest that day.  My water fully broke at 29 weeks in the middle of the night as I got up to go to the bathroom!   The goal was still to get me to 34 weeks but I ended up having Nate at 30 weeks and 4 days.

    He was 3 lbs 9 oz and ended up staying in the NICU until the day he turned 1 month.  He was on the CPAP for 24 hours during his 1st week because he was working really hard to breathe, but it was mostly room air he was using.  He never needed the ventilator.

    The only issue we deal with now is Acid Reflux.  He has not been sick (fingers crossed), and has been happy in daycare for a month now.  He is for the most part keeping up with his actual age milestones...with the exception of sitting up assisted...that has been one we have been working on!  He is also sleeping about 8 hours straight at night...which is a blessing because he is still trying to catch up weight wise and many babies need to eat at night still when they are lower weight.

    I like to believe the NICU was a blessing in disguise because it helped create an independent baby.  He has never had an issue sleeping in his crib alone in his room, and is totally fine at daycare without us!  I believe our journey made us a stronger family!

    Good luck and try not to worry!  And nice to those nurses and they will bend over backwards for you...they did for me! 


    BabyFetus Ticker
  • My water broke on Baby A the first night I was in the hospital on bedrest at 30w2d.  They were born a few short hours later.  They were unable to stop my contractions that started very shortly after my water broke.  The boys did ok in the NICU and were home before their due dates.  They are now a year old and doing great.  I really hope you can keep yours cooking a little longer... it sounds like you're doing everything you can!  Hang in there.


  • My water broke at 33w6d and once we got to the hospital, we found that DD was in rough shape. She scored a 0 out of 8 on the biophysical profile, so I went in for a C-section immediately. Despite not having the steroid shots, she came out breathing room air. She did great in the NICU, no oxygen and no spells. We brought her home 16 days later when she finally had enough energy to take all her feeds by mouth.
  • I woke up at about 2 am and my water BROKE lol it was a mess and I was so out of it because I wasn't expecting it to happen early. I went to the hospital and had my baby via c-section (breech baby) 3 hrs after my water broke. She was born at 33 wks 6 days and spent a little over 3 weeks in the nicu. She was healthy but didn't have her sucking reflex down so that was the only problem that kept her in there that long. GL I hope everything goes well with you and your little one.

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  • My water broke in bed at 7:00am at 34w3d.  Admitted to the hospital at noon and they wanted to keep her in as long as possible.  They thought I would have at least 24-48 hours before she was born.  Started to really contract at 10pm that night and had her 2 hours later.  She spent 1 week in the NICU only to feed and grow.  Good luck - hope you can make it to 34w!!
  • DS was delivered at 33 weeks due to my water leaking and cevix dialating.  I went in for a normal check up and I was already 4 centimeters within two hours I went to 6.  They don't know what happened. And after the birth they sent the placenta to the lap to see why but I never heard anything.  At this point I really don't care. Dominic is already 1 month old and getting bigger everyday.  I know it is scary but he will be ok.  The NICU will sadly have babies much smaller than him so at 34 weeks you should be ok. I will think of you and wish you well. 

     Keep Baking BABY!

  • Forgot to mention.  Dominic came out screaming and crying...which was unexpected.  He didnt need oxygen.  Spent 10 days in NICU and 3 of those days had a nose feeding tube (NG is what they called it I think) 

     Worst thing ever was leaving the hospital without my baby, I tried to prepare myself as best as I could but I still cried all the way home.  It is ok to be upset and don't feel guilty about leaving him.  The nurses will take great care of him. 

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