Mia has several toys that have SMALL pieces like barbie shoes, jewelry, etc.. Despite continuously reminding her to put them away so Jilli doesn't choke on them, and keeping an eye out for them ourselves, they still seem to find their way into random places that Jilli will soon be reaching. So do I put them away or just be extra careful when Jilli is around? Jilli is already putting everything from her feet to carpet fibers into her mouth so I'm extra nervous about there being a choking incident.
Mia (6~24~06) & Jillian (6~29~09)
Re: WDYD about older siblings SMALL toys?
ditto this.
Similar to what other pps said, we moved any/all toys with small pieces into DS#1's room, and he can bring them down when DS#2 is sleeping or go and play in his room at any time. I use nap time as a time to go into DS#1's room and play with him so the toys don't sit there unused
We also bought a play yard that either DS#2 can go in to stay "safe" or lately, we've been using it for DS#1 to create a "baby free" zone for him - then he can have the small toys out in the same room with the baby, and the baby is safe(er) in the childproofed, larger area.
Our pediatrician also gave as a GREAT recommendation that has worked well - she told us to create a "Choke Box" for toys that are unsafe around the baby (but can come out easily when the baby is napping). We have several paper towel/toilet paper rolls in the play room (covered them with contact paper to make them look cute and more durable) and DS#1 "tests" toys for choking hazards
Granted, he needs to be reminded to do it, but at least it gives him some participation in the decision whether a toy is safe or not to be out in the general play area.
So, if DS#1 drags an unsafe toy out, I can say "did you test it in the choke tube?" and if it slides thru, he's actually pretty good about putting it (back) in his room w/o a huge protest.
It's an ongoing battle in this house...
first let me say I love your new siggie! Adorable.
I take all the barbie shoes and put them in a plastic storage container and some of the smaller stuff I just take away. I try to explain to E that she has to be careful but she doesn't always get it. So the container sometimes works.
I have been wondering the same thing. Cohen is army crawling now, and pretty much just makes his way around the living so it is easy to keep that clear, but what happens when he is fully crawling all over the house? I was thinking maybe I'd get one of those jumperoo things to put him in when I can't have my eyes on him (cooking, going to the bathroom, etc.). I don't know.
Jilli LOVES the jumperoo! But Mia stopped loving it when she started to crawl well and no longer wanted to be contained so I'm guessing we wont be using it too much longer.