
Anyone have experience w/ delayed crawling/walking?

Went to DD#2's 1 year check up today and was talking to the dr. about her not crawling/walking yet.  He's not concerned w/ her just not walking - lots of kids don't walk at 12 months. But since she's not pulling up, cruising, or will not sit herself back up if she falls back after sitting.  She can sit really well and all by herself forever.  She can also walk while holding onto my hands. I have an appt. this week with a developmental nurse to evaluate her - then recommend physical therapy if needed. She's also fallen down on the weight curve and only gained 1 lb since her 9 month.  She's down to the 25% at 19 lbs.

Anyone have any experience w/ this or any advice??


Re: Anyone have experience w/ delayed crawling/walking?

  • My DD#3 is delayed...well she's only 8mo but she doesn't push up on her hands & doesn't really bear weight much on her legs.  She has weak trunk muscles for sure too.  She's been diagnosed w/ hypotonia (low muscle tone)--it's not severe as her fine motor seems fine & she sat & rolled just fine.  I am in the process of getting her EI free, plus I am doing private PT through our insurer.  My sister is a Physical Therapist & has given me exercises to do with her in the meantime--I can honestly say that just doing those exercises for a couple weeks has already made a difference.  I would have your DD evaluated by an EI person for sure--you can get some things to do w/ her at home at least.  Good luck!
    AKA Carol*Brady! IHO my upcoming 10yr Nestiversary--Back to old screenname. My own Marsha, Jan & Cindy... imageDesigning a Life Blog
  • THANK YOU Chrisy!! I really appreciate it.  One thing I'm not sure of - what is an "EI?" 

    Thanks again! And your girls are simply gorgeous!!!  

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  • Call your local health department and they can give you info on EI (Early Intervention). PP is right, the exercises are the key. Sometimes kids need a little push with their gross motor skills. Good luck to you.
    Julian David 8/7/06 and Isabella Mia 5/14/09
  • Ahhh, thank you!! Will do! I really appreciate it!! 
  • I have a friend, a pediatrician, whose DD was similar.  She is 4 and doing just fine now, but she didn't walk until 18 months and never crawled.  Her mom was worried, but not overly freaked out.  She is the type to freak too (she is always forwarding recall notices).  I think you just have to take it step by step and go through the motions of having her evaluated.  My DD was 16 pounds at 1 year.  DS is 18 pounds at 11 months and started at 50% (now around 5% for boys), so I would not worry much about the weight, unless there are other factors.   We had my DD exstensively evaluated at 12 months to 24 months because she is very small and DH and I are not (I am 95% for height, she is maybe 10%).  DS is taller, so that is not an issue.
  • Yes.  Although my DD would actually walk if you put her on her feet, but she was not doing any of the transitional moves (lying to sitting or sitting to standing).

    I pursued EI myself instead of waiting for the pedi to refer her.  She was evaluated and qualified for OT.  After 3 months of OT, she was crawling and transitioning and "graduated."

    I still feel at age 4 that she's a bit behind her peers physically, but it may only be noticeable to me.

    imageimage Ashley Sawtelle Photography
  • imageJOEBunny:
    I have a friend, a pediatrician, whose DD was similar.  She is 4 and doing just fine now, but she didn't walk until 18 months and never crawled.  Her mom was worried, but not overly freaked out.  She is the type to freak too (she is always forwarding recall notices).  I think you just have to take it step by step and go through the motions of having her evaluated.  My DD was 16 pounds at 1 year.  DS is 18 pounds at 11 months and started at 50% (now around 5% for boys), so I would not worry much about the weight, unless there are other factors.   We had my DD exstensively evaluated at 12 months to 24 months because she is very small and DH and I are not (I am 95% for height, she is maybe 10%).  DS is taller, so that is not an issue.

    Some kids don't ever crawl but if she is not pulling to stand or trying to cruise furniture or get to a sitting position it sounds like she has weak trunk muscles or possibly low muscle tone. I am an EI evaluator/therapist and I would get her evaluated by EI. They will evaluate her in ALL areas of development (cognitive, social, speech, gross motor, fine motor and self help) and then let you know what she is functioning at month wise in every area. Where she has a delay they can work with her. Until then give her lots of floor time with toys slightly out of reach. Put toys on top of the couch and have her stand next to the couch to play with the toys. Best of luck!

  • Heidisean ~ thank you thank you thank you!  I will look into EI asap.  I really appreciate you taking the time to respond :)
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