Just when I was getting hopeful that my m/s was starting to taper off. I had some really good days last week. Then BAM....Sunday night was my worst night yet...almost to the point of puking (which hasn't happened yet - just severe nausea). Woke up Monday with a horrible migraine & stayed in bed till 11am. Made it into work around noon and made it through the afternoon. Then last night the nausea was almost unbearable to the point of almost wanting to make myself puke to get it over with Today is shaping up to be more of the same.
Is it common for it to get worse before it gets better? I am so terrified of being one of those that is sick the entire 9 mos. I'm sure the multiples factor increases it as well.
Re: M/S picking up in week 12-13? :(
Sorry you aren't feeling well. I never had true m/s, but just wanted to say that the headaches (at least in my case) disappeared around week 16 for me. Prior to week 16, I felt like nothing would make them go away.
Hang in there. Hope you are feeling better soon!!
Mine started at 8 weeks. Puking round the clock, headaches, nausea - it was awful. It didnt ease up until 20ish weeks. I still puke about once a day and still have the headaches - but the nausea feeling is pretty much gone.
Oy. I totally feel your pain!
I've been uber ill since about 3 weeks in - from about 3 weeks to 12 weeks I was vomiting at least 6 times a day - now in this week I'm down to only about 3 times a day ( even if there is nothing in my stomach, I will throw up stomach acid and white foam. It's not nice AT ALL ), so I'm hoping that it is gradually getting better.
At first I was like you - constantly feeling nauseas, avoiding throwing up at all costs, barely able to get out of bed or off the couch if I even managed to make it to the living room, and missing a lot of work - especially in the mornings. I got to the point where I just gave in and when I feel the need, I just let it come out now - even though it is really painful and horrible - because after throwing up I get a good 3 hours of relief from the nausea and almost feel like myself again.
My doctor prescribed an anti-nausea drug for me to take, but we haven't even filled the prescription. We just don't want to take any risks, so are just powering through.
Good luck getting through this - my advice, as horrid as it sounds, is to just let it all up and get on with your day.