
Anyone use Schwans?

I am thinking of signing up for Schwans home delivery. I was wondering if any of you guys have used it. What did you think, cost? quality?

Re: Anyone use Schwans?

  • I can't help but giggle at the word "Schwans." ("schwantz") Thanks for the giggle!!
  • We did when I was growing up and I used them for about 6 months a couple years ago.  It really helps with menu planning and the food is good.  They are great in customer service too.  Once I got someting I didn't like and they let me exchange it.
    SAHM to DD1 (7), DS (5) and DD2 (1)
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  • we used them for about 6 months....i think that they are a little pricey.  Some of the items I got vrey not very good.  Also, our delivery guy would give me a little bit of an attitude if I wouldn't order something
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