
What is the ettiquette on mailing birthday invites?

I remember from my wedding it was 8 wks that too soon for a first birthday? What is typical lead time for birthday parties?  If it matters, the party is on a Sunday afternoon and includes dinner.  Thanks!

Re: What is the ettiquette on mailing birthday invites?

  • I usually do 4 weeks before.  But most of our friends and family know about the party before the invites go out.
  • I mail them a month in advance and ask for rsvp's a week in advance. 
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  • I would say 3 weeks is plenty of time.  Much more than that and people forget.  Birthday parties (even first ones) are not up there with a wedding.  Probably most of the very important people (your family) already knows when it will be anyway...right?
  • 3-4 weeks at most for birthday parties. 
    Jenni Mom to DD#1 - 6-16-06 DD#2 - 3-13-08 
  • imagebreezee_bean:
    I usually do 4 weeks before.  But most of our friends and family know about the party before the invites go out.



  • That's what I was thinking, that 8 wks was too soon.  Family knows about the party but friends do not.  His actual birthday is Easter Sunday, so we have to do it the week later.  Thanks!
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