
Having my top wisdom teeth removed soon. How bad is recovery?

I had my bottoms taken out when I was 25.  I didn't have any complications, but was sent to an oral surgeon who totally put me out for it.

I am seeing this new dentist, and he tells me that he can do it in his office with "conscious sedation" so I won't be put out or need an IV.  I'm totally freaked by this.  I have no cavities and have no major dental issues.  The thought of someone standing over me while ripping out my teeth makes me want to run screaming in the other direction.

Plus, how bad will the recovery be at 32?  He tells me that the top teeth are nothing compared to the bottom ones.  Eh....I don't know if I believe him.

What's your experience?

Re: Having my top wisdom teeth removed soon. How bad is recovery?

  • Are they erupted?

    Its true, top wisdom teeth are usually WAY easier than the lowers. 

    DS1 10-06 and DS2 9-08 and baby #3 EDD 9-05-12
  • Well, I had all 4 of mine out when I was 21. I kind of agree that the bottom ones might cause more pain because my bottom ones made me swell more than the top ones. I think I would probably be a bit freaked out about being awake during the procedure but I doubt it will take that long. I went to a dentist who had TV's in the ceiling and that was awesome because you didn't even have to pay attention to what he was doing. =) I'm sure you'll be fine but make sure you just have easy foods to eat (smoothies {no straws}, ice cream, soup, mashed potatos, jello, etc.)
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  • I had a top wisdom tooth taken out when I was about 21.  I was terrified, but it was very easy.

    Now, I need to have my bottom wisdom teeth taken out, and I hear that can be a biitch.  I've been putting it off for months. 

  • I had my top taken out when I was 34 and I was awake and just numbed.  They weren't impacted or anything, so the OS said be numbed would be fine.  It wasn't the most fun thing, but it wasn't bad.  Recovery was easy.  I had tylenol codeine but only needed it the first day and switched over to Advil.  Good luck!
  • Thanks ladies!

    And FFG-get it done now!  Don't wait any longer!  The bottom ones suck, but it's easier now than it will be later on!

  • My DH had conscious sedation for his wisdom teeth and hated it, they didnt give him enough of the pills per his body weight and he remembered everything they did.
  • I had all 4 done when I was 20.  I was awake for all of it.  I had the gas and valium.  That's all they offered. The dentist part wasn't too bad, I'm not afraid of the dentist or anything.  It did take me about a week to recover.  They were impacted and also I was severely depressed at the time, not sure if that matters, but I just wanted to lie around anyway.  I have several friends who were fine the next day.  Not sure if they were impacted.


    I can't imagine just 2 being so bad.

  • I had all four out but was knocked out completely for it.  I don't think you should be freaked out - you'll probably be just as unaware of what's going on as you would with general anesthesia.  And if you're aware in the slightest, you'll be so sedated, you won't give a sh*t.  And if conscious sedation is the same thing as twilight sleep, you won't know anything is going on period.

    I had my Tylenol 4's after so I didn't care about recovery.  As soon as I felt any pain, I just took one and I was good for a while. 

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