I feel like an idiot.
DD1 has had a cold for about 4-5 days and is on the mend (now I've got it too, of course). We've been fiends about handwashing, keeping her away from Molly, reminding her to cough/sneeze into her elbow...but now Molly is congested and runny. Started yesterday, and tonight she has a slight cough, not frequent.
Here's why I'm an idiot - I feel like Molly's been so healthy and thriving that I've become complacent. RSV never even occurred to me until just now, and now I'm googling and freaking out that I didn't call the ped today, and I keep running to check that she's breathing every couple of minutes....
Should I calm down? She's sleeping peacefully, just snorting and sniffing in her sleep every so often... Her airways aren't suddenly going to close up in the middle of the night, right?
Re: RSV panic
Off the synagis website:
Call your doctor right away if you notice any of the symptoms above
HTH. Hope your LOs feel better!
Thanks for the responses! I knew I was probably overreacting...but hey, in my defense, it was very late! lol.
I did talk to the ped's office today, and they said if I am still worried tomorrow, or if she gets worse, then I should absolutely bring her in. Otherwise, just make her comfortable. I'm calmer now.