
Organizing toys question; what do you do with big toys?

We have a room that we now use as an office, but are thinking of changing it into a play room instead.  It is off of the living room and kitchen ,so I want it to look as nice as possible without spending tons of money on shelving or storage.

My kids have a lot of bigger toys, like the little people sets (farm, castle).  What do you do with things like this?  We do not have a closet in this room. 

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Re: Organizing toys question; what do you do with big toys?

  • put them on top of the cube organizers I have along the walls, or on top of the book shelves
  • They sit on top of the low shelves that we have along one wall of the room.
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  • We have a few of these toys as well and I put them on the built-in shelves we have down in our playroom.  some of the larger toys like the stand up things are just down there. I try to keep them on the outer part of the room so at least there is a path to walk!
  • #6#6 member

    I have the It So storage cubes from Target. The cubes are actually pretty big.  You can stack them, connect them, put canvas totes in them, add a door, add a shelf, add plastic baskets/buckets.  They can add up $$ wise but are so easy to customize.  We have bought a few at a time.  Each has 2 cubes, one with a tote and one with a door.  Almost all of their toys fit in them.  We are going to do 2 more rows (6 more cubes/2 cubes each)  and add totes to 1 row and doors to the other.  The top row we will put puzzles, bored games, and art stuff.  

    If you dont have 3 kids you wont need as many cubes.  I want to have 4 cubes/child so it adds up.  But they look really nice.  We dont have a play room so this keeps the toys in one area and all packed away when needed.


  • In or on top of bookshelves.  The actual Little People are in a basket.  Small pieces (like from a dollhouse) go into a plastic container.
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