Cincinnati Babies

Does pumping get any easier?

So due to my very inverted nipples, I have been pumping from the day DS was born. Over the past couple weeks, my right nipple has finally come out and I can feed DS off of it. *yay*

However, due to my left nipple being inverted and DS not emptying my right one when he feeds, I am still stuck pumping. I have cut slits into an old sports bra to make it hands free, but even with the "hands free" I still feel like all I am doing is pumping. All. The. Time.

Please tell me it gets easier. Tongue Tied

Also, what foods/beverages should I avoid? I've been reading on LLL it's trial & error, but I want to avoid upsetting his stomach if at all possible.

I hope everyone is doing well. This is the first time I've had 5 minutes to get on the computer.

DS #1 born January 2010. DS #2 due June 2014.

Re: Does pumping get any easier?

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    As long as you have a good supply it will get easier. I never got my full supply in so I pumped and only got 2 oz with each pumping-I made it one month before I stopped. Natalie never latched so I had to pump. As soon as I stopped Natalie sensed my stress level go down and she started sleeping through the night.
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    Yes it does get easier!!  If you have to continue pump eventually you will get to where you are able to completely empty in 5-10 minutes, atleast I was able to.

    About the inverted nipples, have you tried breast shells?  I got some while I was still in the hospital because mine were inverted an it corrected it quickly.  I wore them for maybe a week and never had any issues BFing from then on. 

    When I had to pump I actually got on my laptop to make time go quicker, it really did help, it was much better than sitting there doing nothing.  I would just hold both with one hand and use the other to search the internet!

    I never avoided any food.  I think unless you have any reason to suspect that he's being affected by anything than I wouldn't bother with it.  I still drank caffeine, not a lot and I would try to drink it right after I nursed him so it would be awhile before he was fed again.

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    It does get way easier.  I EP'd for 11 mos, and could never drop below 5 pumps/day without losing too much milk. 

    Ditto pp's suggestion on doing something while pumping.  I typically did one of these things- 

    1.  fed DS while pumping- either sat him in his bouncy or carseat, held the bottle, and pumped.  I know women who could pump one boob and feed off the other, so it's possible.... never tried it though

    2.  piddled on the computer- between email, FB, this board, and silly computer games, I never ran out of things to do

    3.  drove from point A to B.  Hands free + hooter hider + car adapter made it all possible.  I always hooked up before I went anywhere and made sure everything was "in place" before moving. 

    4.  Watched TV with DH. 

    But by doing something while pumping it really does help because then you don't think about the fact that you are pumping.  I didn't avoid any food... just made sure I drank 3 or fewer sodas/day.  My goal was always 2 or less but that didn't always happen, LOL. 

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    I've been trying the breast shells for the past week or so. The LC at St. E gave them to me, and they seem to help some. But apparently I am very inverted according to the LC I saw the other day at my consultation.

    It's just been a hassle if we go anywhere, I have to bring my pump and pump in my MIL's office or my parent's bedroom. I wish I could just take DS in the room with me and BF him right there. Instead of having to pump, clean up then feed him from the bottle.

    But I guess it's good that he's getting breastmilk rather than just formula.

    DS #1 born January 2010. DS #2 due June 2014.

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    Hang in there. I had flat nipples, so not quite as challenging as inverted, but wearing the shells religiously and pumping regularly corrected the problem, within a month we were in good shape. Sounds like you're on the way to that.

    I always pumped while sitting on the bed watching TV or reading. I also tried to play a mental game with myself and think of it as time to myself (ha) and not a chore.

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    I've been trying the breast shells for the past week or so. The LC at St. E gave them to me, and they seem to help some. But apparently I am very inverted according to the LC I saw the other day at my consultation.

    It's just been a hassle if we go anywhere, I have to bring my pump and pump in my MIL's office or my parent's bedroom. I wish I could just take DS in the room with me and BF him right there. Instead of having to pump, clean up then feed him from the bottle.

    But I guess it's good that he's getting breastmilk rather than just formula.

    This is why people will tell you that EPing is way harder.  It really does get easier... have you considered pumping while on your way to MIL's?  I used to sit in the backseat next to DS, pump and feed him at the same time.  That really helped on those kinds of days...  Or if he didn't need to be fed, I'd sit shotgun and pump on my way there.  A "cover" helps.  As for a PISA plug- I bought an adapter from amazon, but you can also just buy a plug adapter at Radio Shack that you can plug it into and then use it for other things (my dh was ready to kiss me when I handed it to him since he misplaced his car charger for his cell phone... ie, he forgot where he put it).  Hang in there... it will get better soon!

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