Cincinnati Babies

Mini pill question

For those that are on this or have taken it, did it make you start bleeding about a week after starting it?  It isn't heavy, but enough to need to wear something. Thanks!
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Re: Mini pill question

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    Hmm. I don't remember. But it did make me a total hag so I only took it for a month.
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    Hmm. I don't remember. But it did make me a total hag so I only took it for a month.

    So much to look forward to!

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    Hopefully it won't impact you the same way. :-) I think you get breakthrough bleeding when you don't take it at the exact same time every day?
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    Hopefully it won't impact you the same way. :-) I think you get breakthrough bleeding when you don't take it at the exact same time every day?

    It has only been 4 days, so maybe it is just the hormones adjusting. 

    How are you feeling?  I can't believe how far along you are.  You look adorable!

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    Oh, thanks! I feel like a house.  I'm pretty uncomfortable sometimes which sucks since I have 9 weeks to go.  I dread going to bed because I know I'll be up at least 4 times to pee no matter how much water I've had that evening. But in the grand scheme I'm still in good shape! This week is hard since Mike has shingles and can't change diapers or give Maggie her bath.

    How are you doing? WHen do you go back to work? 

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    Nope, nothing like that for me.
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    My dad gave me some after I had Ashlyn, I never ended up taking them but I remember him saying I might have spotting.  You could call and ask, but I think it's pretty normal.
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    OK, this sounds like me.  I started bleeding about a week and a half, two weeks after I first started it, for about 2 days.  Then that happened again about 2 weeks later.  This is the kicker -- I missed a pill one day last week (it went down the sink drain so I couldn't do anything about it), and I've been having full-on bleeding for a whole week and I'm not done yet.  I'm really not liking the mini-pill at all.
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