Hi ladies, I hope it won't bother any of you that I came here to ask this question.
I have always wanted to adopt, even when I was single I always assumed I would adopt someday. Then I fell in love with my DH and told him my dreams of adopting. He told me back then that he wasn't sure that he would ever be ok with adoption b/c he was afraid he wouldn't love an adopted child as much as a bio child. He is also afraid his family wouldn't be as accepting of an adopted child. When we got married and started ttc I agreed to try for two years w/o even talking about adoption, and after two years we would talk about it and possibly see a therapist about it. It has been a year now, and I have been thinking about it more and more.
My question is, were your DHs always on board with the adoption road? If not how to did you come to agree to go down this road?
TIA for any info and advice you can give me.
Re: A ? from an IF girl...
Nope, and I think you'll find a few more who will say the same.
DH was open to it in the abstract, but we never discussed it more than that. As having a bio child became less of a possibility, I came pretty quickly to the realization that I just wanted to be a mom, and didn't need to have a child come out of me to be one.
DH had a lot of concerns. How strong was his desire for a biological child? What was the adoption process like? Could we afford it? Would they poke and prod into our personal lives until nothing was sacred? How would our families feel? What if something went wrong?
It was a slow process--it took about a year. I read Adoption for Dummies and was really excited to share info, but DH saw it as "I want to do this NOW!" I backed off and let him noodle over it for a while, and when he was ready, we started attending informational seminars (mostly by phone or online). At that point his big fear was what the homestudy was like. We talked on the phone extensively with 2 agencies going through it step by step so he could get his answers. Then we were off and running.
It may take some time. But you need to be on the same page.
Good luck.
My Dh was also not on board when I first brought it up. All I asked was that he think about it for a coupld of months and then we would talk about it again. Of course if he was still against it then that would be the end, I can understand that. Lucky for us, he thought about it, asked questions, did some research and agreed to go ahead!!
I think the key is to give them time to think about it, no pressure.
What about having him talk to some other men that have adopted?
This is a good idea. My DH said he saw some espn documentary on maybe a football coach who adopted and was so blessed by it and that really helped my DH see it both as something people actually do and something that can turn out very well for the father.
Was the documentary on Coach Mark Richt from Georgia? My husband is a HUGE georgia fan ( as am I now! ) and I truly think seeing this documentary one day really helped move him along!!!!
My DH was also not completely on board at first. I talked about it every once in a while but tried to keep that to a minimum. Finally he decided that he was on board with adoption, but he wanted us to have another year together without children before we started the process. About 2 or 3 months later, he told me to go ahead and start the paperwork! If it's meant for you to adopt, he will come around. Just make sure you are both 100% committed before you start the process! While he was coming around, I researched a lot about adoption and ordered the Adoption for Dummies book which helped me learn a lot more about the process and helped me be prepared when we finally started!
Yes I am pretty sure that is the one! He was also in this Christian football movie we saw, which we didn't actually think was that great of a movie, but the fact that he was willing to be in I think made us think well of him and DH already knew of him and liked him anyhow.
I have never really wanted to be pregnant. I always assumed that one day I would be because I knew I wanted kids, but I have a lot of fears about pregnancy and childbirth, and just feel no desire to go through it. I work quite a bit with kids in the foster system and I've seen so many people who have adopted or become guardians for a child they are not biologically related to, and these children are very loved. So I've always felt that I will be very open for adoption if for some reason I can't have infertility issues.
We ended up moving on to adoption without even TTC. We had two reasons. One is because I can't get health insurance coverage with maternity benefits (long story, but I've exhausted all options). I'm not willing to chance the financial risks of getting pregnant without maternity coverage. Second, I started charting because I have PCOS and just wanted to learn more about my cycle before TTC. Well, it turns out that I don't ovulate. Maybe I could easily get pregnant just using a simple drug like Clomid, but without health insurance I'm not willing to even try.
We're ready to start a family. When I first brought adoption up to DH, he was open minded. He definitely has some reservations, but the all day training we went to with a local agency answered so many of his questions and made him feel much more comfortable with adopting. I think he would still prefer to have a bio child. I honestly couldn't care less whether my child shares my genes. While he wishes that TTC right now were a possibility, he also understands why I really don't feel a strong desire to be pregnant and am so comfortable with adoption. I know my DH well, and know for certain that once he holds that baby in his arms, and especially once he or she is smiling or laughing at him, any question he has about biology mattering will go out the window that that child will have him wrapped around his or her little finger.
One thing I'm even very interested in is fostering to adopt, and my DH has been pretty adamant that he is not interested. However, after our all day training with an agency, I was shocked when he told me that he actually feels conflicted about whether we should participate in the newborn program, or the program to adopt a child from foster care. So the training really had an impact on him. We decided that we will adopt an infant first, but would really like to adopt from foster care down the road.
I would see if your DH would be willing to go through training with an agency, and then see how he feels about adoption after that.
DH was totally NOT on board when we started. We talked about it on a weekend trip and it totally flipped him out. We hadn't really even wanted kids (either of us) so the subject was pretty amazing.
I have PCOS and am older than the average and I felt this was the only option for me. We actually talked about it for more than a year before he was on board. I think it's very important to have both be on board before you even start to meet with agencies.
Good luck with the discussions. They can be challenging but meaningful!
DH was the one who decided it was time to stop ttc. Although I am off the pill, he does not want me to go through fertility treatments and really would rather not be ttc at all. The day after my last miscarriage he said he blamed himself, and that he never wanted to put me through that again. His words were: I never want to put you through this again.
It breaks my heart that he blames himself, but because of his feeling this way he has put no pressure on me to pursue biological children. And we got the peace we needed to start pursuing children through adoption. My 'need' for a biological child is not as strong as my need for a child.
"I have four children. Two are adopted. I forget which two. -Bob Constantine
"All for Love,' a Saviour prayed 'Abba Father have Your way. Though they know not what they do...Let the Cross draw men to You...."