I am starting to look at parenting books. What can you recommend for twin mommies to be? I think Dr. Luke's book has a small section but I haven't read it yet and I would like another book to give me some guidance. Does
"Happiest baby on the block" work for Twins? Does "baby Wise" work for twin mommies? Thank you!
Re: reccomend you baby book please.
baby wise is great for twins- but the section about multiples in baby wise is useless- doesn't really talk much about doing BW with twins - just talks about multiples and getting help, etc... and since they were writing from a triplet perspective- doesn't really pertain as much to twin moms since triplets is a whole other ballgame.
I followed BW with the twins (and my singleton) and all 3 were STTN by 8w, great eaters, great nappers and sleepers (still at almost 3 y/o Griffin sleeps amazing)... i love it. It's the #1 recommended sleep training book in the "Twin Set" book which interviewed tons of twin moms. it's not for everyone- but read it and take what you like from it if you are looking for help with sleep training --- you start almost on day one (if your babies are at term, preemies would need more time) so you'll want to read it before you give birth.
I loved "Twin Set" and "Ready or Not Here We Come" for parenting info - both go from infant to school age and are raesonable and fun to read.
I liked Happiest Baby on the Block - not really for multiples specific info but I liked their 5 S's (swaddling, shushing, etc)
For multiples info I like Ready or Not Here they Come. It is written by a parent of multiples and it felt like a real person talking not too text book, if that makes sense.
I used Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Baby for my daughter, and plan on using the same techniques on my twins. I also give it to everybody as a baby shower gift--it is THAT awesome of a book. My daughter was sleeping at least 6 hours by 2 1/2 months, and 12 hours by 4 months, I think because of this book.