Let me start by saying that I'm not asking for anyone to make my decision, and I don't mean to come off as insensitive to anyone trying to have another baby.
It took DH and I 12 months to conceive DD #1. It took us 15 months to conceive DD #2. I saw a fertility specialist literally 2 weeks before I got my BFP w/DD #2. The dr. told me I have a 6% chance of conceiving naturally because I'm at the end of my ovarian reserve. He suggested IUI's w/injectibles. We were debating what to do when 2 weeks later I got my VERY surprise BFP.
DD #2 is now 7 months old. We always WANTED 3 kids, but sort of gave up that dream when we didn't think we could have 2 even. Since getting pg w/ #2, we said that afterwards we would leave it up to the fates. If it was "meant to be" it would happen. No more OPK's, no stressing, definitely no medical intervention etc.
I just had my annual and my OB informed me that with my "history" NOW is the time to go for #3 if we're going to. She said considering everything, if I put it off, it most likely will not happen. Um... we're sooo not ready for #3 now. Not emotionally or financially. She even said that "if it's meant to be" is the stupidest saying she's heard and "what does that even mean!?"
Now I'm in a situation I didn't think I'd be in. I didn't think she'd even give me the go ahead to try until DD #2 was 1. DH and I are going to continue with our philosophy that "if it's meant to be it will be." But now I feel this pressure again that I didn't expect/want to have.
I don't really have a question...just a WWYD if you were in this situation. Try now, (or not NOT try), or put it off another year like planned and then see what happens. We are not financially ready for #3, but are of the philosophy that we will make it work if it happened.
Re: Come in if you're not super fertile
Well, first thing I'd do is find an OB who dodn't piss me off! It's not a stupid saying, and honestly it's our plan now too. I had fertility treatments for both my kids. I won't pay for fertility treatments again. But it's not completely impossible for me to get pg and if it happens, that's great - and if it doesn't happen I won't cry over it. I certainly am not going to fool around with birth control because I'd be thrilled to get pg on my own!