And please tell me there is no way in heck that I can handle another! lol
I guess I just never I thought I would get to this point again. This was about the point that DH and I decided to start trying for #2...when DD was about 13 months. Now, DS is almost 13 months and I have the itch again. NO WAY can I do it though. If we have another we won't even try for another 2 yrs probably.
Someone tell me I am crazy...please.
Re: I think I want another baby....somebody talk me down.
You're crazy.
You're just being sentimental -- you said it yourself, 13 months is when you started trying for DS and he's almost that age now. You want to try again because the timing is proof he's no longer a baby. (not really, but in your mind).
All that said, I feel exactly the same way. We actually found out we were pregnant around this time and then miscarried. This month is a bit tough for me in that regard.
We're planning on waiting a little longer between DS2 and the next one, though. More like 2.5 years, maybe closer to a 3 year gap.
Just think if you wait a bit longer how much easier it will be. And your DD will be close to going to Kindergarten and your DS could go to preschool and it would just be you and the baby at home for several hours each day.
Uh, yeah. WTF were we thinking?! It was just started to get fun and DS1 hit the godawful threes. I'm ripping my hair out daily.
Oh dear God....the stretch marks. Forgot about's funny how you forget about those kinds of things.
Yep. Me too. The CONSTANT whining and fighting with her brother is wearing on me. I am on the verge of losing my sh!t daily. lol Thank GOD my parents live next door....I just send her over there for a little bit to cool myself down.
possible twins (or triplets)....
'nuff said?