
*****soontobemomma***** re: your Q

Hey, I just saw your reply to my post this a.m. about the STTN thing.  E isn't nearly as bad a sleeper as K was, but she's never slept all night.  Sometimes, she goes for a while waking up 2-3 times a night, and then when she's teething or something, it'll get to where she's waking up every 1-2 hours and desperately wants to nurse every time.  I've tried to space out the night feedings to try and phase one out, but it's hard b/c it's so much easier and faster to just feed her and go back to bed! =)

So you didn't hit the baby sleep jackpot, either, huh?  How bad is it?  Are you hanging in there?

Re: *****soontobemomma***** re: your Q

  • Yeah, I'm hanging in, probably because she's my last and I know it won't be forever, but I am exhausted!  And I'm a SAHM, I can only imagine how tired you must be since you work.  My K goes down at 7, and is usually up at 11, 1, 3, 5 then for the day at 7.  Last night I was lucky and she only woke 3 times!

     I end up nursing her, too, because if I do, she normally goes right back to sleep in a couple of minutes, and it is just easier.

    She's lucky she's so darn cute!  I did a little bit of cio, more like fuss and pat with her sister when she was around 10 mo or so, and she ended up finally sttn at a year.  But that was after I had weaned, also.  Haven't decided when I am going to wean this one, though.  


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