So the equipment company came this morning and took all of our oxygen tanks & the oximeter. She has been off of her O2 for over a month now & is doing great, but the oximeter was our security blanket. We hooked her up to it at night & knew she was fine unless there was an alarm (there never was thank God) & were able to sleep pretty soundly. It was also nice to be able to hook her up here & there during the day too just to make sure her sats were OK (we used to do this after shots, or during a nap when we didn't want to have to constantly check on her).
We have an AngelCare monitor that we are setting up today (anyone have any tips on how to set these up in a pack & play? Did you put a piece of plywood or something underneath the "mattress" of the pack & play?) but I don't think it's going to provide nearly the level of piece of mind as the oximeter. For those of you that became really dependent on the oximeters, how did you wean yourself off of it?
Thanks ladies! I am just so nervous about tonight!
Re: The oximeter is gone. How will I ever sleep again???
we didn't have an oximeter (though I've frequently wished for one!) but we had an apnea monitor forever. I was a wreck when we stopped using it. We also got an angel care monitor, which we still use because it helps me sleep better. Robbie is tube fed, so he's in bed with a tube and I'm always scared about him getting it around his neck.
We didn't use it in a PNP, though a few people said yes, a piece of plywood or even some sturdy cardboard under the mattress work for them.
Really, the first week, I still checked on him constantly.. tested the angel care monitor about 465 times.. but over time, the anxiety lessoned.
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We put a piece of plywood under the angelcare.
I have started using it for naps in the day, instead of the apnea monitor (we are only required to use it at night), just so we will be comfortable and used to it when we lose the monitor, and so far so good- it knows the second I pick him up, and I can watch the tic symbol for his movements. GL!