
We're barely into winter and I've got cabin fever already

I don't know what it is today, but my two boys and I are climbing the walls today. We went outside to play in the new snow this morning, but that only works for so long with the 11 month old. They both took a two hour nap today at the SAME time, which never happens! So why am I so restless today?! I fear it's going to be a long, long winter! Ugh. We'll just have to get out and about more, even though just the thought tires me out. Good thing I'm getting out of this house with some girlfriends for a while tonight. I definitely need a break! 

Re: We're barely into winter and I've got cabin fever already

  • I hear you. We get out quite a bit actually (between Preston's preschool 3 mornings a week, trips to the store, dinner at grammy's, etc.), but still everytime P wakes up from the night or at nap, he always asks, "are we going bye bye" and gets very upset when I say
  • I'm just sick of the prep work to go anywhere.

    I can't wait for summer when we just throw on some flipflops & leave.

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  • So does my 3 year old.  This is what I heard today:

    "When it gets summer, can we go to the pool?"

    "Can we go to the beach when it turns summer?"

    "We have to wait until it's 98 (??) so we can go to the park!".

    Seriously, HE is ready.  As am I.


    Me with my littlest.
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