
s/o spanking... reminds me of a *now* funny

my bff laughs about this now...  not funny at the time.  But she used to get her name on the board every single day at kindergarten for talking in class.  she was always a talker, just learned to cover herself better later.   But every day she got in trouble at school, her mom would spank her.. She said (laughingly) that it got to the point where she would just come to school, go straight to her bed, pull her britches down and lay awaiting her spankings.  

I know it sounds awful to laugh at and I would not do this to my own children... but as adults thinking back, we cracked up over this story.... mainly b/c it never made her think, hmmm, maybe I shouldn't talk in class... she chatted up a storm... just got clever as she got older. lol.   

Re: s/o spanking... reminds me of a *now* funny

  • I think it's funny that our parents never realized that spanking didn't do a darn to change our behavior (the main reason I don't spank now).  They weren't too bright back then, I guess (for varioius reasons).  lol
    DS1 age 7, DD age 5 and DS2 born 4/3/12
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