
What to keep?

now that our DDs are pretty much out of NB sized clothes, I am putting them away in containers but wondering...

Did you keep both sets if you had identical outfits for them (which happens to be my case due to many "twin" shower gifts)??

If not, did you give away/re-sell one set? 

DH and I plan to have more children down the road, but just wondering how much I should keep for future LOs??

**If you did re-sell, did you go through a MOMTC club sale, a consignment shop, eBay, etc??


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Re: What to keep?

  • we are done having kids so I am selling everything. I am a member of a MoM's club so my items get sold there. One thing with keeping clothes you have to remember is the season....the sizes may not be right for the next one during the same season. I would just keep a few of your favorite ourfits for the next one(s) and sell the rest.
  • I had boy/girl twins but I kept most of my stuff (was waiting until we had our annual garage sale to sell it) but then I found out I was pg with number 3 in April of 08 so I kept all of my clothes until I this year. Then I sold all of my girl clothes and my newborn boy clothes.

    If you want to sell one set of clothes than I would do that but if you want to wait and sell them together you can do that too... but if you need the space now I would sell at least one set.

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  • I would keep everything.  It's not going to lose value sitting in the box.  Sell it all when you're done having kids.  Having another set of twins is rare, but you might want double the wardrobe if you're too busy to do laundry for a few days. 
  • I kept a couple of the matching outfits for sentimental value. Beyond that, I went through and just figured out what I would need for one baby, and the rest I sell at the MOTC sale (and then use the money toward clothes/toys for the boys' next stage ;)).
    fraternal twin boys born january 2009
  • I am keeping some of their double outfits, really for sentimental value, then I am keeping 1/2 of all of the sleepers and weather 'neutral' outfits. As for the rest, I am selling at our MOTC club. We've been putting our proceeds into the girl's college account. :)
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