
How could black mold grow on a pillow in a week??

I change DD1's sheets every Saturday.  Last Saturday there was nothing on the pillow.  Yesterday there were black spots all around where her head would lay and a little bit on the other side.

I asked my dad and my neighbor had mold in their house both said its mold.  I just don't know how it got there.

She's still in a crib, hasn't peed, hasn't drank water in there.

She has asthma so I'm worried a bit.  I at first thought it was a stain of some sort and smelled the pillow and its odd that this morning I work up with a stuffy nose.  Maybe just a coincidence?

I know it sounds freaky and I'm at a loss for an explanation.  The pillow is currently on the porch.  I'm just wondering if I should have anything checked or let it go and keep an eye on the pillow daily.  I keep her room super clean with the asthma as with the house and the house is so dry. 

I'm at a loss.

Diagnosed with PCOS June 2004 Abby born 2/2007 and Ally 3/2009 imagehttp://Life In

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