Scheduled an ultrasound with the clinic in town bc I'm too impatient to wait for my doctor's appointment 😅 got to see my little blob for the first time and feeling so much less anxious now. Measured at 6w6d so right on track with what I thought based on ovulation
No picture, but heart rate 97! Dr measured bub at 6 weeks or so though, and I’m fairly certain on ovulation date which would equate to 7w4d… anyone have this sort of situation??
so excited to finally be able to see little bean. Got my referral for MFM due to my age (literally turned 36 right before I got pregnant lol) so will see little bean again in a week or two ♥️♥️
Re: Ultrasound Thread
heart beat was 171
so excited to finally be able to see little bean. Got my referral for MFM due to my age (literally turned 36 right before I got pregnant lol) so will see little bean again in a week or two ♥️♥️