Birth Stories

2 day labor turned C-Section

Sorry it took so long to post.. Nevermind what you think maternity leave might be like, it's not at all what I expected.. Spare time was not something I had a lot of.. So here it is, posted on my first day back to work...

My Birth Story

I went to the Dr. on Wednesday, November the 18th for a weekly exam.. (Due Date November 23rd)..My blood pressure was a little high so Dr. scheduled me to come back on Friday, the 20th at 9:00 A.M..  Went back the 20th and my BP was 170/100.. Got sent to hospital... My blood pressure went down while at the hospital, but Dr. decided to go on and induce since my EDD was the following Monday.. So, here I go... 11:00 A.M started Pitocin drip... :( ... I made it fine for a while, felt pressure not a lot of pain... They upped my dosage by 2 every 30 mins, until the nurse came in and told me they were going to stop upping it until babies heart-rate stablized (it was high). I was tired hadn't eaten, couldn't eat, irritable, anxious, and was having no progress... This goes on all day... 12:00 A.M rolls around and by this time I'm in pain (not intollerable) and tired...  took Stadol.... It made me loopy and nauseaus.. Poor Dh held the garbage can for me. God love him.. Dr. didn't want me to have Epi until I was atleast dialated to 2.  Dr. decides to stop drip and let me rest until 5:00 A.M... Good luck with that :/... Dh took a nap, and I dozed until exactly 5:00 A.M (21st) when the nurse walked through the door ready to start the devil drip... :( They come in every 30 mins again to up my dosage... The reg. max is 16.. They upped me to 32. Pitocin was awful... I go through awful contractions all day with no progress.. No pain medicine other than Stadol which probably made me feel worse in the long run between the naseau and severe headaches it gave me.  5:00 P.M Dr. comes in and checks me again still NO PROGRESS AT ALL.... I told him I couldn't take the pain any longer the contractions were back to back with no let up.. Constant pain, I couldn't move or talk through them, and they weren't getting me anywhere.. He gave me 2 options.. C-Seciton or we could stop the drip and start fresh the next morning.. I asked him if I stopped the drip and started back the next morning what were the chances I would progress.. He said he really couldn't say.. He propossed the C-Section again. By this time I was in so much pain, I said let's do it.. By 6:45 P.M they were wheeling me into the operating room... After 3 attempts to get a spinal they called another Anest. who finally got it in... Husband was allowed in... At 7:17 P.M. November 21st.. My beautiful baby boy was born into the world..

Although I had a really rough Labor and Delivery it was completely worth it.. I'll post pics soon!!

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