August 2013 Moms

Night crew check in

Too late to start? LO woke up about 2 something and I brought him to bed.. Then DH woke me by making too much noise around 4 so I put the baby down in his crib and am wide awake. WTF.

QOTN/M: What's your dream job? Are you doing it already?
Mason Lee 
Born 8/18/13 
A13 May Siggy Contest 

Re: Night crew check in

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    QOTN/M: I've always wanted to be a lawyer.. Although as of late I've had this urge to open my own coffee shop.. Neither dream is looking like it's panning out in the near future ... Guess I'll keep dreaming
    Mason Lee 
    Born 8/18/13 
    A13 May Siggy Contest 

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    LO woke up at 2 to eat and now DH and LO are fast asleep and I'm up working my grave shift.

    QOTN: I would love to be a special education teacher or ultrasound tech.... But alas I'm still answering phones. :(
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    LokiLahveLokiLahve member
    edited January 2014
    Lo Sttn and is now up for the day @ 5:15am. I'd honestly rather 1 motn feed & sleeping in a bit than getting up at 5 something. It's too damn early!

    Qotn: my dream job is to be in a marketing role like Mel Gibson in "what women want"
    I'm actually pretty close to it now. I'm definitely at the company where that role exists, just working my way through the marketing department to get there. I'll say maybe 5 more years if all goes well. :)

    ETA: first dream job would be a sahm, sadly it's just not in the cards :(
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    Up for our first feeding! LO went down for 40 minutes on our first try and then a quick feed and back down for the night. I don't want to get my hopes up though. The past few nights were probably a fluke.

    QOTN: I'm in my dream job for sure. Those of you who have me on FB can check what I do. I remember graduating from university thinking "this is so what I was meant to do". Some days I wish I was better at it though.

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    LO was up at 1 am for a change and 3:30 for a feed. Just found he and daddy awake on the floor where he said they'd been since 6. Hoping a feed and a rock puts him back to sleep.

    QOTN: I'm honestly not sure any more. I've tried so many different things I thought would be my dream job and none of them were. I think I'd like to be a caterer, but if we're talking dream job, I'd want to find a way to do it without spending too much time away from my family, which I'm pretty sure is impossible.
    Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss, you'll land among the stars.

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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    Not night anymore. DS2 slept from 9 pm to 6 am, he nursed and is snoozing some more while I am up for the day.

    QOTN: I love small business retail. I've been at my job (PT now) for 7 years. It's very "not corporate" or anything. Think the record store in the movie "High Fidelity" we have a lot of regular customers and only a few locations and quirky employees. I used to manage the store prior to children. I LOVED IT!

    My dream job would be to open up my own little shop or boutique. Being my own boss would be amazing.
     DS1 8/2011. DS2 8/2013.

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    RK125RK125 member
    edited January 2014
    Dd has been asleep since 8:45 with a wake up at 10 just to be rocked. It's her first night in her sleepsuit so I was expecting to be up a lot. Instead she slept and I got up to check on her. She's still sleeping right now. I'm doing another check in a few!

    Eta: QOTM: I would love to own a horse ranch. I miss riding so much! 
    Lilypie First Birthday tickers

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    Still working on the crib transition and this is our 5th time up... Ugh :P only our first full night of him in his nursery by himself, the first two nights we slept in there and I still co slept half the night, last night he was going good until about 4 but I had stayed up too late and was just too tired so into bed he came.

    QOTN: I would love to be a full time stay at home mom, which I'm pretty close to but till work a few hours a day. But I'm the kind of person that if I'm working I want to further and better myself in my field. I have always loved children and wanted to be a child psychologist, if I had the money to go back to school now that's what I do. My job is somewhat close as I am a behavioral therapist for children with autism and other behavioral disorders. However with having such a wonderful pregnancy and birthing experience I've really wanted to share that and help my friends who were or are now pregnant have the same experience, so things like a doula or midwife have crossed my mind recently and I'm also volunteering at a refuge pregnancy center now and will hopefully be training as a counselor soon if I can find some more childcarebfor Jackson, or stand to be away from him or more than a few hours a day
    Image and video hosting by TinyPicImage and video hosting by TinyPicImage and video hosting by TinyPic

    Jackson was born 8/11/2013 3:53 am 6 lbs 12 oz
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    It took about an hour to get LO down last night, but then she slept for about 9 hours, which is awesome. She's eating now, and I'm hoping she wants to do a morning nap at some point so I can workout, but she skipped it yesterday.

    QOTN/M: at this point, just something that is less stressful than my current job and allows me to have some sort of life. Working all the time before LO was one thing, but I won't get this time back later, so I'm looking into other positions at my company that have more reasonable schedules.

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker


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    The babies went to bed at 845, up to eat at 11 and 130 but then slept until 7a. One if them woke up at 445, but I was able to soothe him back to sleep.

    Of course the big one was up at 230 and 330, so if you're keeping score at home, I was up at 11, 130, 230, 330, and 445. Restful ;)

    QOTN: I'm definitely in my dream field. This isn't my dream job, per se, mostly bc I started in this field 3yrs ago w zero experience. I had a previous life and career and was miserable - I didn't even have kids and I dreaded going to work every morning and would cry at the end of each day. I quit, went back and got my master's FT and am now in a field I love and am passionate about.

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