
Speaking of MIL's

Let me start by saying that I love my MIL and feel very forunate to have her as one. 

So, I told DH that next year we should find a house or a couple of condos to rent for both of our families and take one big ski trip and celebrate Christmas that way.  That could be everyone's big Christmas gift instead of getting each other presents and we have been dying to take DS skiing. 

DH loved the idea and when we got together with his brother and parents last weekend he brought it up and everyone liked the idea. 

Our parents are friends and my parents had his parents over for dinner on Monday.

MIL brings the ski trip up to my parents and then went on to say how I didn't like the idea at all so she didn't think the trip would actually happen.

Hello!!!!  I'm the one that freaking came up with the plan!

Okay, so my MIL story is tame in comparison but I love that somehow I came out to be the bad guy in this story.

Liam is 5!
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Re: Speaking of MIL's

  • Why would she say that your parents? That was weird.
    Audrey Elizabeth 11-11-06 image
  • I guess she "fogot" that part.
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  • imageRebekah1021:
    Why would she say that your parents? That was weird.

    I have no idea.  Especially since I hadn't even brought it up to my parents.  I don't think she was being mean about it (at least I hope not) but I just don't see where she was coming from.  I'm not sure if she realized we were including my family in the trip as well!

    Liam is 5!
    AlternaTickers - Cool, free Web tickers
  • She obviously misunderstood the person telling her about the ski trip.  I'm sure it was an honest mistake.
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